Ivy St, Medford OR address records

On 6-244 Ivy St, Medford OR we have 51 property listings. The average home sale price on Ivy St has been $397k.
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Ivy St, Medford OR street index

Property Number Properties Residents
1-299 48 441
300-499 36 322
500-899 41 327
900-1499 37 198
1500+ 43 122

6 Ivy St, Medford, OR 97501

23 Ivy St, Medford, OR 97501

25 Ivy St, Medford, OR 97501

27 Ivy St, Medford, OR 97501

29 Ivy St, Medford, OR 97501

37 Ivy St, Medford, OR 97501

41 Ivy St, Medford, OR 97501

45 Ivy St, Medford, OR 97501

101 Ivy St, Medford, OR 97501

103 Ivy St, Medford, OR 97501

105 Ivy St, Medford, OR 97501

107 Ivy St, Medford, OR 97501

Multi-Family Home
50,097 sqftBuilt in 1946

109 Ivy St, Medford, OR 97501

110 Ivy St, Medford, OR 97501

111 Ivy St, Medford, OR 97501

115 Ivy St, Medford, OR 97501

117 Ivy St, Medford, OR 97501

119 Ivy St, Medford, OR 97501

121 Ivy St, Medford, OR 97501

123 Ivy St, Medford, OR 97501

125 Ivy St, Medford, OR 97501

127 Ivy St, Medford, OR 97501

129 Ivy St, Medford, OR 97501

131 Ivy St, Medford, OR 97501

133 Ivy St, Medford, OR 97501

135 Ivy St, Medford, OR 97501

137 Ivy St, Medford, OR 97501

139 Ivy St, Medford, OR 97501

142 Ivy St, Medford, OR 97501

High Rise

143 Ivy St, Medford, OR 97501

145 Ivy St, Medford, OR 97501

147 Ivy St, Medford, OR 97501

149 Ivy St, Medford, OR 97501

151 Ivy St, Medford, OR 97501

200 Ivy St, Medford, OR 97501

Medford Water Commision

202 Ivy St, Medford, OR 97501

203 Ivy St, Medford, OR 97501

204 Ivy St, Medford, OR 97501

Multi-Family Home
4,052 sqftBuilt in 1925

208 Ivy St, Medford, OR 97501

210 Ivy St, Medford, OR 97501

211 Ivy St, Medford, OR 97501

Lot: 4,792 sqft

215 Ivy St, Medford, OR 97501

Multi-Family Home
3 beds1 bath1,555 sqftBuilt in 1930

220 Ivy St, Medford, OR 97501

Multi-Family Home
2 beds1 bath24,718 sqftBuilt in 1966

229 Ivy St, Medford, OR 97501

High Rise

234 Ivy St, Medford, OR 97501

235 Ivy St, Medford, OR 97501

Multi-Family Home
8 beds4 baths750 sqftBuilt in 1910

236 Ivy St, Medford, OR 97501

Multi Family
1 bed1 bath688 sqft

243 Ivy St, Medford, OR 97501

Single Family Residential
3 beds1 bathLot: 4,792 sqftBuilt in 1898

244 Ivy St, Medford, OR 97501

Multi Family
1 bed1 bath752 sqft
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