10Th St, Medford OR address records

On 4-430 10Th St, Medford OR we have 51 property listings. The average home sale price on 10Th St has been $195k.
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10Th St, Medford OR street index

Property Number Properties Residents
1-499 49 207
500-899 37 326
900-1099 37 276
1100-1699 45 318
1700+ 10 33

4 10th St, Medford, OR 97502

10 10th St, Medford, OR 10 10th St, Central Point, OR

21 10th St, Medford, OR 97502 21 10th St, Central Point, OR 97502

26 10th St, Medford, OR 97502

56 10th St, Medford, OR 97502 56 10th St, Central Point, OR 97502

58 10th St, Medford, OR 97502 58 10th St, Central Point, OR 97502

Lot: 7,405 sqft

59 10th St, Medford, OR 97502 59 10th St, Central Point, OR 97502

Single Family Residential
3 beds1 bathLot: 6,534 sqftBuilt in 1958

101 10th St, Medford, OR 97501

High Rise

102 10th St, Medford, OR

123 10th St, Medford, OR 97501

Multi Family
1 bed7 baths10,065 sqftBuilt in 1970

221 10th St, Medford, OR 97502

245 10th St, Medford, OR 97502 245 10th St, Central Point, OR 97502

246 10th St, Medford, OR 97501

Marshall Real Estate

250 10th St, Medford, OR 97501

255 10th St, Medford, OR 97502 255 10th St, Central Point, OR 97502

Multi-Family Home
5 beds5 bathsLot: 9,148 sqftBuilt in 2001

259 10th St, Medford, OR 97502 259 10th St, Central Point, OR 97502

263 10th St, Medford, OR 97502 263 10th St, Central Point, OR 97502

Single Family
8 beds6 baths3,564 sqftBuilt in 1979

265 10th St, Medford, OR 97502 265 10th St, Central Point, OR 97502

267 10th St, Medford, OR 97502 267 10th St, Central Point, OR 97502

269 10th St, Medford, OR 97502 269 10th St, Central Point, OR 97502

271 10th St, Medford, OR 97502 271 10th St, Central Point, OR 97502

Multi-Family Home
5 beds5 baths2,000 sqftBuilt in 2000

275 10th St, Medford, OR 97502 275 10th St, Central Point, OR 97502

283 10th St, Medford, OR 97502 283 10th St, Central Point, OR 97502

Multi Family
8,684 sqftBuilt in 1977

287 10th St, Medford, OR 97502 287 10th St, Central Point, OR 97502

289 10th St, Medford, OR 97502 289 10th St, Central Point, OR 97502

291 10th St, Medford, OR 97502 291 10th St, Central Point, OR 97502

Multi-Family Home
8,684 sqftBuilt in 1977

293 10th St, Medford, OR 97502 293 10th St, Central Point, OR 97502

2 beds1 bath986 sqft

295 10th St, Medford, OR 97502 295 10th St, Central Point, OR 97502

2 beds1 bath986 sqft

297 10th St, Medford, OR 97502 297 10th St, Central Point, OR 97502

2 beds1 bath986 sqftBuilt in 1977

310 10th St, Medford, OR 97502 310 10th St, Central Point, OR 97502

317 10th St, Medford, OR 97502 317 10th St, Central Point, OR 97502

Single Family Residential
3 beds2 bathsLot: 4,792 sqftBuilt in 1959

334 10th St, Medford, OR 97502 334 10th St, Central Point, OR 97502

338 10th St, Medford, OR 97502 338 10th St, Central Point, OR 97502

363 10th St, Medford, OR 97502 363 10th St, Central Point, OR 97502

Single Family Residential
3 beds2 bathsLot: 7,841 sqftBuilt in 1959

364 10th St, Medford, OR 97502 364 10th St, Central Point, OR 97502

Single Family Residential
4 beds2 bathsLot: 0.26 acresBuilt in 1945

365 10th St, Medford, OR 97502 365 10th St, Central Point, OR 97502

Single Family Residential
2 beds2 bathsLot: 6,534 sqftBuilt in 1942

380 10th St, Medford, OR 97502 380 10th St, Central Point, OR 97502

Single Family Residential
3 beds1 bathLot: 0.26 acresBuilt in 1961

400 10th St, Medford, OR 97502 400 10th St, Central Point, OR 97502

Single Family
6 beds2 baths2,129 sqftBuilt in 1959

403 10th St, Medford, OR 97502

405 10th St, Medford, OR 97502 405 10th St, Central Point, OR 97502

Single Family Residential
3 beds1 bathLot: 7,841 sqftBuilt in 1961

410 10th St, Medford, OR 97502 410 10th St, Central Point, OR 97502

Single Family Residential
3 beds2 bathsLot: 7,405 sqftBuilt in 1964

414 10th St, Medford, OR 97502

415 10th St, Medford, OR 97502 415 10th St, Central Point, OR 97502

Multi-Family Home
8 beds4 bathsLot: 9,148 sqftBuilt in 2005

417 10th St, Medford, OR 97502 417 10th St, Central Point, OR 97502

Single Family
2 beds1.5 baths1,000 sqft

419 10th St, Medford, OR 97502 419 10th St, Central Point, OR 97502

420 10th St, Medford, OR 97502 420 10th St, Central Point, OR 97502

Single Family Residential
3 beds1 bathLot: 6,534 sqftBuilt in 1964

421 10th St, Medford, OR 97502 421 10th St, Central Point, OR 97502

Multi Family

430 10th St, Medford, OR 97502 430 10th St, Central Point, OR 97502

Single Family Residential
2 beds1 bathLot: 6,970 sqftBuilt in 1964
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House prices on 4-430 10Th St, Medford OR

58255271291363365400410420House Number$0$25k$50k$75k$100k$125k$150k$175k$200k$225k$250k$275k$300k$325k$350k$375k$400kPrices

List of streets in 97501