Cervantes, West Linn OR address records

On 2-198 Cervantes, West Linn OR we have 44 property listings. The average home sale price on Cervantes has been $233k.
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Cervantes, West Linn OR street index

Property Number Properties Residents
1-199 43 113
200-299 94 610
300+ 48 202

4 Cervantes, West Linn, OR 4 Cervantes, Lake Oswego, OR

6 Cervantes, West Linn, OR 6 Cervantes, Lake Oswego, OR

8 Cervantes, West Linn, OR 8 Cervantes, Lake Oswego, OR

10 Cervantes, West Linn, OR 10 Cervantes, Lake Oswego, OR

12 Cervantes, West Linn, OR 12 Cervantes, Lake Oswego, OR

14 Cervantes, West Linn, OR 14 Cervantes, Lake Oswego, OR

16 Cervantes, West Linn, OR 16 Cervantes, Forest Grove, OR ; 16 Cervantes, Lake Oswego, OR

18 Cervantes, West Linn, OR 18 Cervantes, Lake Oswego, OR

22 Cervantes, West Linn, OR 22 Cervantes, Lake Oswego, OR

24 Cervantes, West Linn, OR 24 Cervantes, Lake Oswego, OR

26 Cervantes, West Linn, OR 26 Cervantes, Lake Oswego, OR

28 Cervantes, West Linn, OR 28 Cervantes, Lake Oswego, OR

30 Cervantes, West Linn, OR 30 Cervantes, Lake Oswego, OR

34 Cervantes, West Linn, OR 34 Cervantes, Lake Oswego, OR

36 Cervantes, West Linn, OR 36 Cervantes, Lake Oswego, OR

38 Cervantes, West Linn, OR 38 Cervantes, Lake Oswego, OR

40 Cervantes, West Linn, OR 40 Cervantes, Lake Oswego, OR

42 Cervantes, West Linn, OR 42 Cervantes, Lake Oswego, OR

44 Cervantes, West Linn, OR 44 Cervantes, Lake Oswego, OR

46 Cervantes, West Linn, OR 46 Cervantes, Lake Oswego, OR

48 Cervantes, West Linn, OR 48 Cervantes, Lake Oswego, OR

50 Cervantes, West Linn, OR 50 Cervantes, Lake Oswego, OR

52 Cervantes, West Linn, OR 52 Cervantes, Lake Oswego, OR

54 Cervantes, West Linn, OR 54 Cervantes, Lake Oswego, OR

58 Cervantes, West Linn, OR 58 Cervantes, Lake Oswego, OR

60 Cervantes, West Linn, OR 60 Cervantes, Lake Oswego, OR

62 Cervantes, West Linn, OR 62 Cervantes, Lake Oswego, OR

64 Cervantes, West Linn, OR 64 Cervantes, Lake Oswego, OR

66 Cervantes, West Linn, OR 66 Cervantes, Lake Oswego, OR

68 Cervantes, West Linn, OR 68 Cervantes, Lake Oswego, OR

78 Cervantes, West Linn, OR 78 Cervantes, Lake Oswego, OR

80 Cervantes, West Linn, OR 80 Cervantes, Lake Oswego, OR

82 Cervantes, West Linn, OR 82 Cervantes, Lake Oswego, OR

84 Cervantes, West Linn, OR 84 Cervantes, Lake Oswego, OR

86 Cervantes, West Linn, OR 86 Cervantes, Lake Oswego, OR

92 Cervantes, West Linn, OR 92 Cervantes, Lake Oswego, OR

94 Cervantes, West Linn, OR 94 Cervantes, Lake Oswego, OR

96 Cervantes, West Linn, OR 96 Cervantes, Lake Oswego, OR

98 Cervantes, West Linn, OR 98 Cervantes, Lake Oswego, OR

192 Cervantes, West Linn, OR 97035 192 Cervantes, Lake Oswego, OR 97035

Condominium (Residential)
1 bathLot: 1,275 sqftBuilt in 1982

194 Cervantes, West Linn, OR 97035 194 Cervantes, Lake Oswego, OR 97035

Condominium (Residential)
1 bathLot: 1,231 sqftBuilt in 1982

196 Cervantes, West Linn, OR 97035 196 Cervantes, Lake Oswego, OR 97035

Condominium (Residential)
1 bathLot: 1,241 sqftBuilt in 1982

198 Cervantes, West Linn, OR 97035 198 Cervantes, Lake Oswego, OR 97035

Condominium (Residential)
2 beds1 bathLot: 435 sqftBuilt in 1982
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