Territorial Hwy, Veneta OR address records

On 87009-97980 Territorial Hwy, Veneta OR we have 65 property listings. The average home sale price on Territorial Hwy has been $142k. We have 1 sale listing. Sale starting with $10k.
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Territorial Hwy, Veneta OR street index

Property Number Properties Residents
85700-86999 47  
87000+ 50 4

87140 Territorial Hwy, Veneta, OR 97487

Single Family
2 beds2 baths1,772 sqftBuilt in 1978

87402 Territorial Hwy, Veneta, OR 97487

87410 Territorial Hwy, Veneta, OR 97487

Single Family
2 beds1.5 baths1,344 sqftBuilt in 1969

87435 Territorial Hwy, Veneta, OR 97487

Single Family
3 beds2 baths1,190 sqftBuilt in 1978

87502 Territorial Hwy, Veneta, OR 97487

Mobile / Manufactured
2 baths2,706 sqftBuilt in 1998

87625 Territorial Hwy, Veneta, OR

87638 Territorial Hwy, Veneta, OR

87860 Territorial Hwy, Veneta, OR 97487

87911 Territorial Hwy, Veneta, OR

88042 Territorial Hwy, Veneta, OR

88050 Territorial Hwy, Veneta, OR

88115 Territorial Hwy, Veneta, OR

88124 Territorial Hwy, Veneta, OR

88170 Territorial Hwy, Veneta, OR

88267 Territorial Hwy, Veneta, OR

88273 Territorial Hwy, Veneta, OR

88330 Territorial Hwy, Veneta, OR

88344 Territorial Hwy, Veneta, OR

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House prices on 87009-97980 Territorial Hwy, Veneta OR

870098704987064871408729587410874268743587441874528750287509875378754188658House Number$0$25k$50k$75k$100k$125k$150k$175k$200k$225k$250k$275k$300k$325k$350k$375k$400k$425k$450kPrices

List of streets in 97487