4Th St, Sterling IL address records

On 2-319 4Th St, Sterling IL we have 42 property listings. The average home sale price on 4Th St has been $18k. We have 1 sale listing. Sale starting with $15k.
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4Th St, Sterling IL street index

Property Number Properties Residents
1-399 39 98
400-799 47 313
800-1199 43 280
1200-1499 46 193
1500-1799 38 240
1800-2699 49 122
2700+ 7 4

2 4th St, Sterling, IL 61081

4 4th St, Sterling, IL 61081

6 4th St, Sterling, IL 61081

8 4th St, Sterling, IL 61081

10 4th St, Sterling, IL 61081

12 4th St, Sterling, IL 61081

13 4th St, Sterling, IL 61081

High Rise

15 4th St, Sterling, IL 61081

20 4th St, Sterling, IL 61081

80 4th St, Sterling, IL 61081

103 4th St, Sterling, IL 61081

104 4th St, Sterling, IL 61081

106 4th St, Sterling, IL 61081

110 4th St, Sterling, IL 61081

High Rise

111 4th St, Sterling, IL 61081

113 4th St, Sterling, IL 61081

118 4th St, Sterling, IL 61081

120 4th St, Sterling, IL 61081

137 4th St, Sterling, IL 61081

150 4th St, Sterling, IL 61081

151 4th St, Sterling, IL 61081

200 4th St, Sterling, IL 61081

201 4th St, Sterling, IL 61081

202 4th St, Sterling, IL 61081

206 4th St, Sterling, IL 61081

208 4th St, Sterling, IL 61081

210 4th St, Sterling, IL 61081

212 4th St, Sterling, IL 61081

Single Family Residential

220 4th St, Sterling, IL 61081

302 4th St, Sterling, IL 61081

Single Family Residential

303 4th St, Sterling, IL 61081

304 4th St, Sterling, IL 61081

306 4th St, Sterling, IL 61081

307 4th St, Sterling, IL 61081

308 4th St, Sterling, IL 61081

312 4th St, Sterling, IL 61081

Single Family

316 4th St, Sterling, IL 61081

319 4th St, Sterling, IL 61081

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List of streets in 61081