Avenue I, Sawyer IA address records

On 2903-11708 Avenue I, Sawyer IA we have 48 property listings. The average home sale price on Avenue I has been $49k. We have 1 sale listing. Sale starting with $5,000.
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Avenue I, Sawyer IA street index

Property Number Properties Residents
800-1599 40 125
1600-1899 48 181
1900-2299 44 218
2300-2599 34 140
2600-2899 43 174
2900+ 46 186

2903 Avenue I, Sawyer, IA 2903 Avenue I, Fort Madison, IA

2905 Avenue I, Sawyer, IA 2905 Avenue I, Fort Madison, IA

Single Family

2909 Avenue I, Sawyer, IA 2909 Avenue I, Fort Madison, IA

Single Family Residential

2911 Avenue I, Sawyer, IA 2911 Avenue I, Fort Madison, IA

Single Family Residential

2912 Avenue I, Sawyer, IA 2912 Avenue I, Fort Madison, IA


2914 Avenue I, Sawyer, IA 2914 Avenue I, Fort Madison, IA

Single Family Residential

2917 Avenue I, Sawyer, IA 2917 Avenue I, Fort Madison, IA

2918 Avenue I, Sawyer, IA 2918 Avenue I, Fort Madison, IA

Single Family Residential

2921 Avenue I, Sawyer, IA 2921 Avenue I, Fort Madison, IA

Single Family
2 beds2 baths860 sqft

2923 Avenue I, Sawyer, IA 2923 Avenue I, Fort Madison, IA

Single Family Residential

2926 Avenue I, Sawyer, IA 2926 Avenue I, Fort Madison, IA

Single Family

2927 Avenue I, Sawyer, IA 2927 Avenue I, Fort Madison, IA

Single Family Residential

2934 Avenue I, Sawyer, IA 2934 Avenue I, Fort Madison, IA

Single Family Residential

3006 Avenue I, Sawyer, IA 3006 Avenue I, Fort Madison, IA

Single Family Residential

3007 Avenue I, Sawyer, IA 3007 Avenue I, Fort Madison, IA


3011 Avenue I, Sawyer, IA 3011 Avenue I, Fort Madison, IA

Single Family Residential

3015 Avenue I, Sawyer, IA 3015 Avenue I, Fort Madison, IA

Single Family Residential

3018 Avenue I, Sawyer, IA 3018 Avenue I, Fort Madison, IA

Single Family

3023 Avenue I, Sawyer, IA 3023 Avenue I, Fort Madison, IA


3024 Avenue I, Sawyer, IA 3024 Avenue I, Fort Madison, IA

Single Family Residential

3027 Avenue I, Sawyer, IA 3027 Avenue I, Fort Madison, IA


3028 Avenue I, Sawyer, IA 3028 Avenue I, Fort Madison, IA

Single Family
2 beds1 bath862 sqftBuilt in 1947

3030 Avenue I, Sawyer, IA 3030 Avenue I, Fort Madison, IA

Single Family Residential

3031 Avenue I, Sawyer, IA 3031 Avenue I, Fort Madison, IA

Single Family Residential

3101 Avenue I, Sawyer, IA 3101 Avenue I, Fort Madison, IA

Single Family Residential

3102 Avenue I, Sawyer, IA 3102 Avenue I, Fort Madison, IA

Single Family Residential

3105 Avenue I, Sawyer, IA 3105 Avenue I, Fort Madison, IA

Single Family Residential

3106 Avenue I, Sawyer, IA 3106 Avenue I, Fort Madison, IA

Single Family

3109 Avenue I, Sawyer, IA 3109 Avenue I, Fort Madison, IA

Single Family Residential

3110 Avenue I, Sawyer, IA 3110 Avenue I, Fort Madison, IA

Single Family Residential

3115 Avenue I, Sawyer, IA 3115 Avenue I, Fort Madison, IA


3116 Avenue I, Sawyer, IA 3116 Avenue I, Fort Madison, IA

Single Family

3129 Avenue I, Sawyer, IA 3129 Avenue I, Fort Madison, IA

3136 Avenue I, Sawyer, IA 3136 Avenue I, Fort Madison, IA

Single Family

3203 Avenue I, Sawyer, IA 3203 Avenue I, Fort Madison, IA

Single Family

3205 Avenue I, Sawyer, IA 3205 Avenue I, Fort Madison, IA

Single Family

3206 Avenue I, Sawyer, IA 3206 Avenue I, Fort Madison, IA


3207 Avenue I, Sawyer, IA 3207 Avenue I, Fort Madison, IA

Single Family

3210 Avenue I, Sawyer, IA 3210 Avenue I, Fort Madison, IA

Single Family

3211 Avenue I, Sawyer, IA 3211 Avenue I, Fort Madison, IA


3212 Avenue I, Sawyer, IA 3212 Avenue I, Fort Madison, IA

Single Family

3215 Avenue I, Sawyer, IA 3215 Avenue I, Fort Madison, IA

Single Family
2 beds1 bath787 sqftBuilt in 1921

3218 Avenue I, Sawyer, IA 3218 Avenue I, Fort Madison, IA


3220 Avenue I, Sawyer, IA 3220 Avenue I, Fort Madison, IA

Single Family Residential

3221 Avenue I, Sawyer, IA 3221 Avenue I, Fort Madison, IA

Single Family Residential

11708 Avenue I, Sawyer, IA 11708 Avenue I, Fort Madison, IA

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House prices on 2903-11708 Avenue I, Sawyer IA

29092912291829232934300730153024302830313102310931153205321032153220House Number$0$10k$20k$30k$40k$50k$60k$70k$80k$90k$100k$110k$120kPrices

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