Polk St, San Francisco CA address records

On 1-690 Polk St, San Francisco CA we have 45 property listings. The average home sale price on Polk St has been $31.9M. We have 5 sales and 5 rent listings. Sale starting with $910k.
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Polk St, San Francisco CA street index

Property Number Properties Residents
1-699 44 561
700-1099 44 592
1100-1299 49 403
1300-1399 27 141
1400-1599 49 224
1600-1699 27 211
1700-1799 40 207
1800-1999 36 153
2000-2199 44 417
2200-2299 37 202
2300-2399 23 243
2400-2499 40 391
2500-2599 57 508
2600-2899 48 813
2900+ 24 268

1 Polk St, San Francisco, CA 94102

1 bed1 bath852 sqftBuilt in 2008

4 Polk St, San Francisco, CA

17 Polk St, San Francisco, CA

25 Polk St, San Francisco, CA

39 Polk St, San Francisco, CA 94102

45 Polk St, San Francisco, CA 94102

High Rise

48 Polk St, San Francisco, CA 94102

55 Polk St, San Francisco, CA 94102

High Rise
1 bathLot: 320 sqft

74 Polk St, San Francisco, CA

101 Polk St, San Francisco, CA 94102

Studio - 2 beds1 - 2 bathsLot: 453 - 1002 sqft

110 Polk St, San Francisco, CA 94102

111 Polk St, San Francisco, CA 94102

115 Polk St, San Francisco, CA 94102

121 Polk St, San Francisco, CA 94102

130 Polk St, San Francisco, CA

131 Polk St, San Francisco, CA 94102

140 Polk St, San Francisco, CA 94102

162 Polk St, San Francisco, CA 94102

204 Polk St, San Francisco, CA

304 Polk St, San Francisco, CA 94102

355 Polk St, San Francisco, CA 94102

505 Polk St, San Francisco, CA 94102

507 Polk St, San Francisco, CA 94102

High Rise
Civic Center Bldg

555 Polk St, San Francisco, CA 94102

575 Polk St, San Francisco, CA 94102

Small Claims Court

576 Polk St, San Francisco, CA 94102

600 Polk St, San Francisco, CA 94102

610 Polk St, San Francisco, CA 94102

Embassy Hotel

614 Polk St, San Francisco, CA 94102

616 Polk St, San Francisco, CA 94102

622 Polk St, San Francisco, CA 94102

623 Polk St, San Francisco, CA 94102

625 Polk St, San Francisco, CA 94102

High Rise

626 Polk St, San Francisco, CA 94102

Mayfair Hotel

630 Polk St, San Francisco, CA 94102

632 Polk St, San Francisco, CA 94102

634 Polk St, San Francisco, CA 94102

635 Polk St, San Francisco, CA 94102

636 Polk St, San Francisco, CA 94102

640 Polk St, San Francisco, CA 94102

High Rise
Amber Hotel Apartment

644 Polk St, San Francisco, CA 94102

650 Polk St, San Francisco, CA 94102

652 Polk St, San Francisco, CA 94102

690 Polk St, San Francisco, CA

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List of streets in 94109