Pine St, San Francisco CA address records

On 2000-2098 Pine St, San Francisco CA we have 41 property listings. The average home sale price on Pine St has been $1.2M. We have 29 sales and 11 rent listings. Sale starting with $104k.

Pine St, San Francisco CA street index

Property Number Properties Residents
1-99 22 203
100-299 47 489
300-399 29 304
400-699 49 559
700-799 44 776
800-999 43 1906
1000-1099 33 961
1100-1199 34 995
1200-1399 39 1191
1400-1499 27 171
1500-1699 46 416
1700-1799 32 772
1800-1899 25 400
1900-1999 28 273
2000-2099 40 316
2100-2199 42 457
2200-2299 48 360
2300-2499 46 332
2500-2599 45 315
2600-2699 29 322
2700-2799 44 364
2800-2899 38 288
2900-2999 51 392
3000-12999 49 311
13000+ 13 13

2000 Pine St, San Francisco, CA

2001 Pine St, San Francisco, CA

2002 Pine St, San Francisco, CA

2003 Pine St, San Francisco, CA

Multi-Family Home
4 beds2 bathsLot: 2,500 sqftBuilt in 1906

2005 Pine St, San Francisco, CA

2007 Pine St, San Francisco, CA

2009 Pine St, San Francisco, CA

2011 Pine St, San Francisco, CA

Condominium (Residential)
3 beds2 bathsLot: 2,129 sqft

2012 Pine St, San Francisco, CA

Japanese Community Youth Council

2013 Pine St, San Francisco, CA

Condominium (Residential)
3 beds2 bathsLot: 1,998 sqft

2015 Pine St, San Francisco, CA

Condominium (Residential)
1 bed1 bathLot: 1,595 sqft

2016 Pine St, San Francisco, CA

2017 Pine St, San Francisco, CA

2018 Pine St, San Francisco, CA

2 beds1 bath1,077 sqft

2019 Pine St, San Francisco, CA

2020 Pine St, San Francisco, CA

Multi-Family Home
2 bathsLot: 3,151 sqft

2021 Pine St, San Francisco, CA

2022 Pine St, San Francisco, CA

Single Family Residential
2 bathsLot: 3,149 sqft

2025 Pine St, San Francisco, CA

Multi-Family Home
12 bathsLot: 5,018 sqftBuilt in 1964

2031 Pine St, San Francisco, CA

2033 Pine St, San Francisco, CA

Single Family
3 beds2.2 baths1,600 sqftBuilt in 1910

2035 Pine St, San Francisco, CA

2039 Pine St, San Francisco, CA

2041 Pine St, San Francisco, CA

2043 Pine St, San Francisco, CA

2045 Pine St, San Francisco, CA

2047 Pine St, San Francisco, CA

Condominium (Residential)
2 beds1 bathLot: 1,295 sqft

2049 Pine St, San Francisco, CA

Condominium (Residential)
3 beds1 bathLot: 1,795 sqft

2062 Pine St, San Francisco, CA

2 beds2.5 baths1,809 sqft

2064 Pine St, San Francisco, CA

Condominium (Residential)
2 beds1 bathLot: 1,093 sqft

2066 Pine St, San Francisco, CA

Single Family Residential
4 beds3 baths3,400 sqft

2068 Pine St, San Francisco, CA

2070 Pine St, San Francisco, CA

5 beds4 bathsLot: 4,400 sqft

2082 Pine St, San Francisco, CA

2084 Pine St, San Francisco, CA

2087 Pine St, San Francisco, CA

2090 Pine St, San Francisco, CA

Multi-Family Home
3 bathsLot: 2,347 sqft

2092 Pine St, San Francisco, CA

2094 Pine St, San Francisco, CA

2096 Pine St, San Francisco, CA

Condominium (Residential)
1 bed1 bathLot: 1,239 sqft

2098 Pine St, San Francisco, CA

Condominium (Residential)
4 beds3 baths3,562 sqft

House prices on 2000-2098 Pine St, San+Francisco CA

20032011201520202025203920472062206620822096House Number$0$200k$400k$600k$800k$1.0M$1.2M$1.4M$1.6M$1.8M$2.0M$2.2M$2.4M$2.6M$2.8M$3.0M$3.2M$3.4MPrices

List of streets in 94109