Glenville Dr, Richardson TX address records

On 65-1241 Glenville Dr, Richardson TX we have 56 property listings.
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Glenville Dr, Richardson TX street index

Property Number Properties Residents
1-1299 48 285
1300+ 45 313

65 Glenville Dr, Richardson, TX

132 Glenville Dr, Richardson, TX 75081

201 Glenville Dr, Richardson, TX 75081

High Rise

201S Glenville Dr, Richardson, TX

310 Glenville Dr, Richardson, TX 75081

400 Glenville Dr, Richardson, TX 75081

410 Glenville Dr, Richardson, TX 75081

509 Glenville Dr, Richardson, TX 75081

600 Glenville Dr, Richardson, TX 75081

601 Glenville Dr, Richardson, TX 75081

High Rise

610 Glenville Dr, Richardson, TX 75081

620 Glenville Dr, Richardson, TX 75081

630 Glenville Dr, Richardson, TX 75081

640 Glenville Dr, Richardson, TX 75081

650 Glenville Dr, Richardson, TX 75081

655 Glenville Dr, Richardson, TX 75081

660 Glenville Dr, Richardson, TX 75081

664 Glenville Dr, Richardson, TX 75081

666 Glenville Dr, Richardson, TX 75081

670 Glenville Dr, Richardson, TX 75081

675 Glenville Dr, Richardson, TX 75081

High Rise

676 Glenville Dr, Richardson, TX 75081

678 Glenville Dr, Richardson, TX 75081

680 Glenville Dr, Richardson, TX 75081

690 Glenville Dr, Richardson, TX 75081

700 Glenville Dr, Richardson, TX 75081

701 Glenville Dr, Richardson, TX 75081

705 Glenville Dr, Richardson, TX 75081

709 Glenville Dr, Richardson, TX 75081

High Rise

715 Glenville Dr, Richardson, TX 75081

High Rise

820 Glenville Dr, Richardson, TX 75081

830 Glenville Dr, Richardson, TX 75081

834 Glenville Dr, Richardson, TX 75081

838 Glenville Dr, Richardson, TX 75081

846 Glenville Dr, Richardson, TX 75081

850 Glenville Dr, Richardson, TX 75081

854 Glenville Dr, Richardson, TX 75081

858 Glenville Dr, Richardson, TX 75081

868 Glenville Dr, Richardson, TX 75081

872 Glenville Dr, Richardson, TX 75081

876 Glenville Dr, Richardson, TX 75081

1207 Glenville Dr, Richardson, TX 75081

1215 Glenville Dr, Richardson, TX 75081

1223 Glenville Dr, Richardson, TX 75081

1231 Glenville Dr, Richardson, TX 75081

1237 Glenville Dr, Richardson, TX 75081

1239 Glenville Dr, Richardson, TX 75081

1241 Glenville Dr, Richardson, TX 75081

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