Charles St, Providence RI address records

On 1-98 Charles St, Providence RI we have 45 property listings.
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Charles St, Providence RI street index

Property Number Properties Residents
1-99 45 322
100-399 40 168
400-499 31 356
500-599 39 285
600-699 50 409
700-799 30 256
800-899 51 277
900-999 32 291
1000-1099 45 179
1100+ 38 346

1 Charles St, Providence, RI 02904 1 Charles St, Johnston, RI 02904

Single Family
2 beds1 bath5,108 sqftBuilt in 1925

2 Charles St, Providence, RI 02904

High Rise

3 Charles St, Providence, RI 02904 3 Charles St, Johnston, RI 02904

4 Charles St, Providence, RI 02904

5 Charles St, Providence, RI 02904 5 Charles St, Johnston, RI 02904

7 Charles St, Providence, RI 02904 7 Charles St, Johnston, RI 02904

10 Charles St, Providence, RI 02904 10 Charles St, Johnston, RI 02904

High Rise

13 Charles St, Providence, RI 02904 13 Charles St, Johnston, RI 02904

15 Charles St, Providence, RI 02904 15 Charles St, Johnston, RI 02904

16 Charles St, Providence, RI 02904

18 Charles St, Providence, RI 02904 18 Charles St, Johnston, RI 02904

19 Charles St, Providence, RI 02904

23 Charles St, Providence, RI 02904

24 Charles St, Providence, RI 02904

25 Charles St, Providence, RI 02904

26 Charles St, Providence, RI 02904

28 Charles St, Providence, RI 02904

30 Charles St, Providence, RI 02904

31 Charles St, Providence, RI 02904

32 Charles St, Providence, RI 02904

35 Charles St, Providence, RI 02904 35 Charles St, Johnston, RI 02904

37 Charles St, Providence, RI 02904 37 Charles St, Johnston, RI 02904

38 Charles St, Providence, RI 02904 38 Charles St, Johnston, RI 02904

45 Charles St, Providence, RI 02904

48 Charles St, Providence, RI 02904

50 Charles St, Providence, RI 02904

56 Charles St, Providence, RI 02904

59 Charles St, Providence, RI 02904 59 Charles St, Johnston, RI 02904

63 Charles St, Providence, RI 02904

64 Charles St, Providence, RI 02904

65 Charles St, Providence, RI 02904 65 Charles St, Johnston, RI 02904

66 Charles St, Providence, RI 02904

69 Charles St, Providence, RI 02904

71 Charles St, Providence, RI 02904 71 Charles St, Johnston, RI 02904

73 Charles St, Providence, RI 02904

High Rise
Moshassuck Apts
1 bathLot: 400 sqft

73B Charles St, Providence, RI

75 Charles St, Providence, RI 02904

77 Charles St, Providence, RI 02904

High Rise
Moshassuck Apts

81 Charles St, Providence, RI 02904 81 Charles St, Johnston, RI 02904

High Rise
Moshassuck Apts

83 Charles St, Providence, RI

85 Charles St, Providence, RI 02904

High Rise
Moshassuck Apts

89 Charles St, Providence, RI 02904

High Rise
Moshassuck Apts

93 Charles St, Providence, RI 02904

High Rise
Moshassuck Apts

97 Charles St, Providence, RI 02904

High Rise
Moshassuck Apts

98 Charles St, Providence, RI 02904

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List of streets in 02904