Thurman St, Portland OR address records

On 26-2390 Thurman St, Portland OR we have 46 property listings. The average home sale price on Thurman St has been $474k.
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Thurman St, Portland OR street index

Property Number Properties Residents
1-2399 45 213
2400-2499 29 150
2500-2599 30 236
2600-2799 48 407
2800-3299 47 264
3300-3599 48 245
3600+ 28 124

26 Thurman St, Portland, OR

240 Thurman St, Portland, OR

311 Thurman St, Portland, OR

1516 Thurman St, Portland, OR 97209

1626 Thurman St, Portland, OR 97209

1631 Thurman St, Portland, OR 97209

High Rise

1632 Thurman St, Portland, OR 97209

1700 Thurman St, Portland, OR 97209

Premier Gear & Machine

1701 Thurman St, Portland, OR 97209

High Rise

1708 Thurman St, Portland, OR 97209

1717 Thurman St, Portland, OR 97209

1801 Thurman St, Portland, OR 97209

1805 Thurman St, Portland, OR 97209

2121 Thurman St, Portland, OR 97210

2228 Thurman St, Portland, OR 97210

Single Family
4 beds2 baths1,424 sqftBuilt in 1910

2233 Thurman St, Portland, OR

2234 Thurman St, Portland, OR 97210

2240 Thurman St, Portland, OR 97210

2246 Thurman St, Portland, OR 97210

Single Family Residential
3 beds1 bathLot: 3,920 sqftBuilt in 1907

2250 Thurman St, Portland, OR 97210

Multi-Family Home
2 beds1 bath3,542 sqftBuilt in 2013

2260 Thurman St, Portland, OR 97210

Single Family Residential
2 beds1 bathLot: 3,920 sqftBuilt in 1907

2270 Thurman St, Portland, OR 97210

Single Family Residential
3 beds1 bathLot: 3,920 sqftBuilt in 1906

2280 Thurman St, Portland, OR 97210

2282 Thurman St, Portland, OR 97210

High Rise

2284 Thurman St, Portland, OR 97210

2290 Thurman St, Portland, OR 97210

2300 Thurman St, Portland, OR 97210

2301 Thurman St, Portland, OR 97210

High Rise

2321 Thurman St, Portland, OR 97210

2325 Thurman St, Portland, OR 97210

2330 Thurman St, Portland, OR 97210

2335 Thurman St, Portland, OR 97210

2340 Thurman St, Portland, OR 97210 2340 Thurman St, Tualatin, OR 97210

High Rise

2342 Thurman St, Portland, OR 97210

2343 Thurman St, Portland, OR 97210

2346 Thurman St, Portland, OR 97210

2366 Thurman St, Portland, OR 97210

2368 Thurman St, Portland, OR 97210

Single Family
2 beds2 baths1,616 sqftBuilt in 1901

2375 Thurman St, Portland, OR 97210

2376 Thurman St, Portland, OR 97210

2383 Thurman St, Portland, OR 97210

2384 Thurman St, Portland, OR 97210

2385 Thurman St, Portland, OR 97210

High Rise

2387 Thurman St, Portland, OR 97210

2390 Thurman St, Portland, OR 97210

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