85Th St, Park City KS address records

On 121-6080 85Th St, Park City KS we have 61 property listings. The average home sale price on 85Th St has been $83k.
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85Th St, Park City KS street index

Property Number Properties Residents
100-6099 49 151
6100+ 32 73

121 85th St, Park City, KS 121 85th St, Valley Center, KS

201 85th St, Park City, KS 201 85th St, Valley Center, KS

303 85th St, Park City, KS 303 85th St, Valley Center, KS

420 85th St, Park City, KS 67147 420 85th St, Valley Center, KS 67147

445 85th St, Park City, KS 445 85th St, Valley Center, KS

515 85th St, Park City, KS 67147 515 85th St, Valley Center, KS 67147

Single-Family Home
3 beds3 bathsLot: 7.6 acresBuilt in 1946

519 85th St, Park City, KS 67147 519 85th St, Valley Center, KS 67147

Single-Family Home
3 beds2 bathsLot: 1.01 acresBuilt in 1935

530 85th St, Park City, KS 67147 530 85th St, Valley Center, KS 67147

Single Family
3 beds1.5 baths1,301 sqftBuilt in 1955

916 85th St, Park City, KS 916 85th St, Valley Center, KS

Single Family
1 bed1 bath560 sqftBuilt in 1998

926 85th St, Park City, KS 926 85th St, Valley Center, KS

1224 85th St, Park City, KS 67147 1224 85th St, Valley Center, KS 67147

Single Family
4 beds1.5 baths1,793 sqftBuilt in 1980

1226 85th St, Park City, KS 67147 1226 85th St, Valley Center, KS 67147

Single-Family Home
2 beds1 bathLot: 0.54 acresBuilt in 1964

1229 85th St, Park City, KS 67147 1229 85th St, Valley Center, KS 67147

1230 85th St, Park City, KS 67147 1230 85th St, Valley Center, KS 67147

Single Family
3 beds1 bathLot: 0.79 acresBuilt in 1965

1500 85th St, Park City, KS 67147 1500 85th St, Valley Center, KS 67147

1501 85th St, Park City, KS 1501 85th St, Valley Center, KS

1522 85th St, Park City, KS 67147 1522 85th St, Valley Center, KS 67147

1725 85th St, Park City, KS 67147 1725 85th St, Valley Center, KS 67147

1815 85th St, Park City, KS 1815 85th St, Valley Center, KS

Single Family
2 beds1 bath1,440 sqftBuilt in 1962

2100 85th St, Park City, KS 67147 2100 85th St, Valley Center, KS 67147

2129 85th St, Park City, KS 67147 2129 85th St, Valley Center, KS 67147

2400 85th St, Park City, KS 67147 2400 85th St, Valley Center, KS 67147

2500 85th St, Park City, KS 67147 2500 85th St, Valley Center, KS 67147

2812 85th St, Park City, KS 2812 85th St, Valley Center, KS

Single Family
Lot: 4.63 acres

2910 85th St, Park City, KS 67147 2910 85th St, Valley Center, KS 67147

3624 85th St, Park City, KS 67147 3624 85th St, Valley Center, KS 67147

Single-Family Home
2 beds3 bathsLot: 6.57 acresBuilt in 1973

3701 85th St, Park City, KS 67147 3701 85th St, Valley Center, KS 67147

4010 85th St, Park City, KS 67147 4010 85th St, Valley Center, KS 67147

Single Family
2 beds2 baths1,198 sqftBuilt in 1992

4017 85th St, Park City, KS 67147 4017 85th St, Valley Center, KS 67147

Single Family
3 beds2 bathsLot: 4.41 acresBuilt in 1979

4120 85th St, Park City, KS 67147 4120 85th St, Valley Center, KS 67147

4219 85th St, Park City, KS 67147 4219 85th St, Valley Center, KS 67147

Single-Family Home
3 beds2 bathsLot: 4.54 acresBuilt in 2006

4240 85th St, Park City, KS 4240 85th St, Valley Center, KS

4319 85th St, Park City, KS 67147 4319 85th St, Valley Center, KS 67147

Single-Family Home
2 beds2 baths3,500 sqftBuilt in 1996

4320 85th St, Park City, KS 67147 4320 85th St, Valley Center, KS 67147

Single Family
3 beds3 baths2,771 sqftBuilt in 1993

4404 85th St, Park City, KS 67147 4404 85th St, Valley Center, KS 67147

4601 85th St, Park City, KS 67147 4601 85th St, Valley Center, KS 67147

Single-Family Home
3 beds3 bathsLot: 3.88 acresBuilt in 2004

4740 85th St, Park City, KS 67147 4740 85th St, Valley Center, KS 67147

4819 85th St, Park City, KS 67147 4819 85th St, Valley Center, KS 67147

5009 85th St, Park City, KS 67147 5009 85th St, Valley Center, KS 67147

Single-Family Home
3 beds2 baths2,994 sqftBuilt in 1979

5024 85th St, Park City, KS 67147 5024 85th St, Valley Center, KS 67147

Lot: 20 acres

5400 85th St, Park City, KS 67147 5400 85th St, Valley Center, KS 67147

5445 85th St, Park City, KS 67147 5445 85th St, Valley Center, KS 67147

Single Family
Lot: 19.36 acres

5500 85th St, Park City, KS 67147 5500 85th St, Valley Center, KS 67147

5615 85th St, Park City, KS 67147 5615 85th St, Valley Center, KS 67147

5715 85th St, Park City, KS 67147 5715 85th St, Valley Center, KS 67147

5728 85th St, Park City, KS 67147 5728 85th St, Valley Center, KS 67147

2 beds1 bathLot: 4.56 acresBuilt in 1890

5915 85th St, Park City, KS 67147 5915 85th St, Valley Center, KS 67147

5930 85th St, Park City, KS 67147 5930 85th St, Valley Center, KS 67147

Single-Family Home
Lot: 15.49 acres

6030 85th St, Park City, KS 67147 6030 85th St, Valley Center, KS 67147

Lot: 3.66 acresBuilt in 1995

6080 85th St, Park City, KS 67147 6080 85th St, Valley Center, KS 67147

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