13Th Ave, Palm Grove IA address records

On 3102-30652 13Th Ave, Palm Grove IA we have 13 property listings. The average home sale price on 13Th Ave has been $119k.
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13Th Ave, Palm Grove IA street index

Property Number Properties Residents
1100-1699 46 175
1700-3099 41 120
3100+ 13 35

3102 13th Ave, Palm Grove, IA 3102 13th Ave, Fort Dodge, IA

3104 13th Ave, Palm Grove, IA 3104 13th Ave, Fort Dodge, IA

Single Family Residential
2 beds2 bathsLot: 10,019 sqftBuilt in 1975

3116 13th Ave, Palm Grove, IA 3116 13th Ave, Fort Dodge, IA

Single Family Residential
2 beds2 bathsLot: 9,583 sqftBuilt in 1976

3117 13th Ave, Palm Grove, IA 3117 13th Ave, Fort Dodge, IA

Single Family Residential
2 beds2 bathsLot: 9,583 sqftBuilt in 1976

3124 13th Ave, Palm Grove, IA 3124 13th Ave, Fort Dodge, IA

Single Family Residential
3 beds25 bathsLot: 9,583 sqftBuilt in 1977

3125 13th Ave, Palm Grove, IA 3125 13th Ave, Fort Dodge, IA

Single Family Residential
3 beds2 bathsLot: 9,583 sqftBuilt in 1976

3132 13th Ave, Palm Grove, IA 3132 13th Ave, Fort Dodge, IA

Single Family Residential
3 beds2 bathsLot: 9,583 sqftBuilt in 1976

3133 13th Ave, Palm Grove, IA 3133 13th Ave, Fort Dodge, IA

Single Family Residential
3 beds25 bathsLot: 9,583 sqftBuilt in 1977

3140 13th Ave, Palm Grove, IA 3140 13th Ave, Fort Dodge, IA

Single Family Residential
3 beds2 bathsLot: 9,583 sqftBuilt in 1976

3141 13th Ave, Palm Grove, IA 3141 13th Ave, Fort Dodge, IA

Single Family Residential
3 beds25 bathsLot: 9,583 sqftBuilt in 1977

3148 13th Ave, Palm Grove, IA 3148 13th Ave, Fort Dodge, IA

Single Family Residential
3 beds2 bathsLot: 0.27 acresBuilt in 1976

3149 13th Ave, Palm Grove, IA 3149 13th Ave, Fort Dodge, IA

Single Family Residential
4 beds2 bathsLot: 0.27 acresBuilt in 1977

30652 13th Ave, Palm Grove, IA 30652 13th Ave, Fort Dodge, IA

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House prices on 3102-30652 13Th Ave, Palm+Grove IA

31043116311731243125313231333140314131483149House Number$0$10k$20k$30k$40k$50k$60k$70k$80k$90k$100k$110k$120k$130k$140k$150k$160k$170kPrices

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