10Th St, Palm Grove IA address records

On 8-242 10Th St, Palm Grove IA we have 40 property listings. The average home sale price on 10Th St has been $56k. We have 4 sales and 2 rent listings. Sale starting with $2,570. Rent starting with $650.
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10Th St, Palm Grove IA street index

Property Number Properties Residents
1-299 39 247
300-999 49 312
1000-1399 46 166
1400-1899 47 139
1900-3099 49 302
3100+ 39 96

8 10th St, Palm Grove, IA 8 10th St, Fort Dodge, IA

10 10th St, Palm Grove, IA 10 10th St, Fort Dodge, IA

11 10th St, Palm Grove, IA 11 10th St, Fort Dodge, IA

14 10th St, Palm Grove, IA 14 10th St, Fort Dodge, IA

15 10th St, Palm Grove, IA 15 10th St, Fort Dodge, IA

28 10th St, Palm Grove, IA 28 10th St, Fort Dodge, IA

101 10th St, Palm Grove, IA 101 10th St, Fort Dodge, IA

105 10th St, Palm Grove, IA 105 10th St, Fort Dodge, IA

106 10th St, Palm Grove, IA 106 10th St, Fort Dodge, IA

Single Family Residential
3 beds1 bath1,104 sqftBuilt in 1900

108 10th St, Palm Grove, IA 108 10th St, Fort Dodge, IA

111 10th St, Palm Grove, IA 111 10th St, Fort Dodge, IA

Single Family Residential
3 beds1 bathLot: 6,970 sqftBuilt in 2006

114 10th St, Palm Grove, IA 114 10th St, Fort Dodge, IA

118 10th St, Palm Grove, IA 118 10th St, Fort Dodge, IA

Single Family Residential
2 beds1 bathLot: 6,970 sqftBuilt in 1900

120 10th St, Palm Grove, IA 120 10th St, Fort Dodge, IA

1 bathLot: 6,970 sqftBuilt in 1900

121 10th St, Palm Grove, IA 121 10th St, Fort Dodge, IA

Single Family
2 beds1 bathLot: 0.34 acresBuilt in 1900

125 10th St, Palm Grove, IA 125 10th St, Fort Dodge, IA

126 10th St, Palm Grove, IA 126 10th St, Fort Dodge, IA

127 10th St, Palm Grove, IA 127 10th St, Fort Dodge, IA

First Methodist Church

129 10th St, Palm Grove, IA 129 10th St, Fort Dodge, IA

133 10th St, Palm Grove, IA 133 10th St, Fort Dodge, IA

137 10th St, Palm Grove, IA 137 10th St, Fort Dodge, IA

157 10th St, Palm Grove, IA 157 10th St, Fort Dodge, IA

167 10th St, Palm Grove, IA 167 10th St, Fort Dodge, IA

200 10th St, Palm Grove, IA 200 10th St, Fort Dodge, IA

202 10th St, Palm Grove, IA 202 10th St, Fort Dodge, IA

207 10th St, Palm Grove, IA 207 10th St, Fort Dodge, IA

208 10th St, Palm Grove, IA 208 10th St, Fort Dodge, IA

For Sale $56,500
Multi Family
2 beds1 bathBuilt in 1886
208 10th St, Palm Grove, IA

210 10th St, Palm Grove, IA 210 10th St, Fort Dodge, IA

Multi Family
2 beds1 bathBuilt in 1886

214 10th St, Palm Grove, IA 214 10th St, Fort Dodge, IA

For Sale $56,500
For Rent $650
Multi-Family Home
5 beds25 baths2,141 sqftBuilt in 1849
214 10th St, Palm Grove, IA

216 10th St, Palm Grove, IA 216 10th St, Fort Dodge, IA

219 10th St, Palm Grove, IA 219 10th St, Fort Dodge, IA

222 10th St, Palm Grove, IA 222 10th St, Fort Dodge, IA

Multi-Family Home
3 beds25 bathsLot: 6,098 sqftBuilt in 1851

224 10th St, Palm Grove, IA 224 10th St, Fort Dodge, IA

232 10th St, Palm Grove, IA 232 10th St, Fort Dodge, IA

236 10th St, Palm Grove, IA 236 10th St, Fort Dodge, IA

242 10th St, Palm Grove, IA 242 10th St, Fort Dodge, IA

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House prices on 8-242 10Th St, Palm+Grove IA

102106111113118120121210214222House Number$0$15k$30k$45k$60k$75k$90k$105k$120k$135k$150k$165k$180k$195k$210k$225k$240k$255k$270kPrices

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