Odessa, Texas Property Information

Rehold Reverse Address Lookup and City Search Directory for Odessa, TX

Find the name and contact information for anyone by their mailing address. The Rehold reverse address lookup allows you to search for any address you know or sort through an address directory to find the right one. Search Odessa, TX to find out who owns and resides near you or in any neighborhood that you visit.

Street starts with:
1-9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Y Z

84 streets starting with 1..9 found

Street Properties Residents
1ST ST 39 58
2ND ST 207 547
3RD ST 163 1,183
4TH ST 189 1,601
5TH ST 207 1,181
6TH ST 171 983
7TH ST 112 502
8TH ST 344 2,831
9TH ST 93 724
10TH ST 392 1,952
11TH ST 368 2,686
12TH ST 259 1,245
13TH ST 201 1,353
14TH ST 279 1,597
15TH ST 215 1,343
16TH ST 281 1,208
17TH ST 216 1,155
18TH ST 246 1,140
19TH ST 196 1,140
20TH ST 238 1,122
21ST ST 298 1,893
22ND ST 133 618
23RD ST 343 1,832
24TH ST 273 1,615
25TH ST 292 1,579
26TH ST 332 1,506
28TH ST 34 161
29TH ST 103 434
30TH ST 108 618
31ST ST 156 969
32ND ST 11 39
33RD ST 36 174
34TH ST 23 86
35TH ST 186 1,033
36TH ST 168 1,009
37TH ST 97 504
38TH ST 80 450
39TH ST 64 284
40TH ST 96 413
41ST ST 3 11
42ND ST 478 2,090
43RD ST 144 753
44TH ST 112 565
45TH ST 45 217
46TH ST 126 770
47TH ST 69 409
48TH ST 98 558
49TH ST 150 809
50TH ST 117 1,199
51ST ST 137 736
52ND ST 241 3,919
53RD ST 104 1,638
54TH ST 45 281
55TH ST 65 337
56TH ST 186 1,048
57TH ST 185 810
58TH ST 3 16
59TH ST 38 158
60TH ST 11 48
61ST ST 92 375
62ND ST 40 159
63RD ST 43 210
64TH ST 54 165
65TH ST 38 182
67TH ST 41 195
68TH ST 19 81
69TH ST 19 59
81ST ST 83 396
83RD ST 76 325
86TH ST 50 266
87TH ST 40 103
88TH ST 4 12
89TH ST 42 232
91ST ST 15 84
92ND ST 11 20
93RD ST 9 16
94TH CT 5 8
94TH ST 8 15
95TH ST 6 12
96TH CT 3 4
96TH ST 3 3
97TH ST 6 8
98TH ST 14 17
99TH ST 4 8
Street starts with:
1-9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Y Z