4Th St, Newport KY address records

On 4-142 4Th St, Newport KY we have 49 property listings.
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4Th St, Newport KY street index

Property Number Properties Residents
1-199 49 186
200-299 27 92
300-399 33 167
400-499 32 237
500-599 47 307
600-999 43 107
1000+ 30 92

4 4th St, Newport, KY 41071

High Rise

7 4th St, Newport, KY 41071

10 4th St, Newport, KY 41071

13 4th St, Newport, KY 41071

14 4th St, Newport, KY 41071

Single Family
1,024 sqftBuilt in 2014

15 4th St, Newport, KY 41071

16 4th St, Newport, KY 41071

24 4th St, Newport, KY 41071

30 4th St, Newport, KY 41071

High Rise

31 4th St, Newport, KY 41071

35 4th St, Newport, KY 41071

40 4th St, Newport, KY 41071

43 4th St, Newport, KY

50 4th St, Newport, KY 41071

70 4th St, Newport, KY 41071

100 4th St, Newport, KY 41071

101 4th St, Newport, KY 41071 101 4th St, Dayton, KY 41071

Fourth St Elem School

105 4th St, Newport, KY

109 4th St, Newport, KY 41071 109 4th St, Dayton, KY 41071

110 4th St, Newport, KY 41071 110 4th St, Dayton, KY 41071

112 4th St, Newport, KY 41071 112 4th St, Dayton, KY 41071

High Rise

113 4th St, Newport, KY 41071

114 4th St, Newport, KY 41071 114 4th St, Dayton, KY 41071

High Rise

115 4th St, Newport, KY 41071 115 4th St, Dayton, KY 41071

116 4th St, Newport, KY 41071

High Rise

117 4th St, Newport, KY 41071 117 4th St, Dayton, KY 41071

118 4th St, Newport, KY 41071 118 4th St, Dayton, KY 41071

119 4th St, Newport, KY 41071 119 4th St, Dayton, KY 41071

120 4th St, Newport, KY 41071 120 4th St, Dayton, KY 41071

121 4th St, Newport, KY 41071

122 4th St, Newport, KY 41071 122 4th St, Dayton, KY 41071

123 4th St, Newport, KY 41071 123 4th St, Dayton, KY 41071

124 4th St, Newport, KY 41071 124 4th St, Dayton, KY 41071

125 4th St, Newport, KY 41071

126 4th St, Newport, KY 41071 126 4th St, Dayton, KY 41071

128 4th St, Newport, KY 41071 128 4th St, Dayton, KY 41071

130 4th St, Newport, KY 41071 130 4th St, Dayton, KY 41071

131 4th St, Newport, KY 41071 131 4th St, Dayton, KY 41071

132 4th St, Newport, KY 41071 132 4th St, Dayton, KY 41071

133 4th St, Newport, KY 41071 133 4th St, Dayton, KY 41071

134 4th St, Newport, KY 41071 134 4th St, Dayton, KY 41071

135 4th St, Newport, KY 41071 135 4th St, Dayton, KY 41071

136 4th St, Newport, KY 41071 136 4th St, Dayton, KY 41071

137 4th St, Newport, KY 41071 137 4th St, Dayton, KY 41071

138 4th St, Newport, KY 41071 138 4th St, Dayton, KY 41071

139 4th St, Newport, KY 41071 139 4th St, Dayton, KY 41071

140 4th St, Newport, KY 41071 140 4th St, Dayton, KY 41071

141 4th St, Newport, KY 41071 141 4th St, Dayton, KY 41071

142 4th St, Newport, KY 41071 142 4th St, Dayton, KY 41071

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