89Th St, New York NY address records

On 2068-42712 89Th St, New York NY we have 101 property listings.
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89Th St, New York NY street index

Property Number Properties Residents
1-99 79 2889
100-199 61 3263
200-299 60 3929
300-399 58 4118
400-499 34 1900
500-1999 49 909
2000+ 6 7

2068 89th St, New York, NY

4013 89th St, New York, NY 4013 89th St, Manhattan, NY

5115 89th St, New York, NY

10737 89th St, New York, NY 10737 89th St, Manhattan, NY

15157 89th St, New York, NY

42712 89th St, New York, NY

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List of streets in 10024, 10128