6Th St, New York NY address records

On 800-995 6Th St, New York NY we have 52 property listings.

6Th St, New York NY street index

Property Number Properties Residents
1-99 41 49
100-199 22 21
200-299 71 1373
300-399 78 1891
400-499 75 1521
500-599 64 1757
600-699 50 839
700-799 44 740
800-999 48 949
1000-3499 49 85
3500+ 13 9

800 6th St, New York, NY 800 6th St, New York City, NY

For Rent $3,648
2 beds1 bath680 sqft

801 6th St, New York, NY

807 6th St, New York, NY 807 6th St, Manhattan, NY

High Rise

808 6th St, New York, NY

809 6th St, New York, NY 809 6th St, Manhattan, NY

High Rise

816 6th St, New York, NY

819 6th St, New York, NY

822 6th St, New York, NY

823 6th St, New York, NY

830 6th St, New York, NY

832 6th St, New York, NY

836 6th St, New York, NY

838 6th St, New York, NY

842 6th St, New York, NY

844 6th St, New York, NY

848 6th St, New York, NY

855 6th St, New York, NY

858 6th St, New York, NY

860 6th St, New York, NY

870 6th St, New York, NY

875 6th St, New York, NY

880 6th St, New York, NY

882 6th St, New York, NY

888 6th St, New York, NY

000890 6th St, New York, NY

890 6th St, New York, NY 890 6th St, Manhattan, NY

High Rise

900 6th St, New York, NY

901 6th St, New York, NY

903 6th St, New York, NY 903 6th St, Manhattan, NY

High Rise

000903 6th St, New York, NY

904 6th St, New York, NY

905 6th St, New York, NY 905 6th St, Manhattan, NY

High Rise

911 6th St, New York, NY

912 6th St, New York, NY

000920 6th St, New York, NY

920 6th St, New York, NY 920 6th St, New York City, NY ; 920 6th St, Manhattan, NY

High Rise

925 6th St, New York, NY

930 6th St, New York, NY

934I 6th St, New York, NY

940 6th St, New York, NY

950 6th St, New York, NY

953 6th St, New York, NY

956 6th St, New York, NY

960 6th St, New York, NY

962 6th St, New York, NY

966 6th St, New York, NY

977 6th St, New York, NY

981 6th St, New York, NY

989 6th St, New York, NY 989 6th St, New York City, NY

990 6th St, New York, NY

995 6th St, New York, NY

List of streets in 10003, 10009