Bagley Rd, Mapleton ME address records

On 1-186 Bagley Rd, Mapleton ME we have 27 property listings.

1 Bagley Rd, Mapleton, ME 04757

7 Bagley Rd, Mapleton, ME 04757

11 Bagley Rd, Mapleton, ME 04757

12 Bagley Rd, Mapleton, ME 04757

35 Bagley Rd, Mapleton, ME 04757

2 beds2 baths1,100 sqft

36 Bagley Rd, Mapleton, ME 04757

58 Bagley Rd, Mapleton, ME 04757

59 Bagley Rd, Mapleton, ME 04757

66 Bagley Rd, Mapleton, ME 04757

Sold Feb 2024 $458,000
3 beds2 bathsLot: 1,933

68 Bagley Rd, Mapleton, ME 04757

77 Bagley Rd, Mapleton, ME 04757

80 Bagley Rd, Mapleton, ME 04757

86 Bagley Rd, Mapleton, ME 04757

119 Bagley Rd, Mapleton, ME 04757

123 Bagley Rd, Mapleton, ME 04757

131 Bagley Rd, Mapleton, ME 04757

For Sale $399,000
4 beds2 bathsLot: 2,700 sqft
131 Bagley Rd, Mapleton, ME 04757

134 Bagley Rd, Mapleton, ME 04757

139 Bagley Rd, Mapleton, ME 04757

140 Bagley Rd, Mapleton, ME 04757

144 Bagley Rd, Mapleton, ME 04757

Sold Aug 2021 $387,000
2 beds2 bathsLot: 2,100 sqft
144 Bagley Rd, Mapleton, ME 04757

150 Bagley Rd, Mapleton, ME 04757

For Sale $649,000
4 beds4 bathsLot: 5,096
150 Bagley Rd, Mapleton, ME 04757

153 Bagley Rd, Mapleton, ME 04757

154 Bagley Rd, Mapleton, ME 04757

160 Bagley Rd, Mapleton, ME 04757

174 Bagley Rd, Mapleton, ME 04757

182 Bagley Rd, Mapleton, ME 04757

186 Bagley Rd, Mapleton, ME 04757

List of streets in 04757