5Th Ave, Lancaster OH address records

On 48-99 5Th Ave, Lancaster OH we have 15 property listings. The average home sale price on 5Th Ave has been $13k. We have 8 sales listing. Sale starting with $10k.
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5Th Ave, Lancaster OH street index

Property Number Properties Residents
1-99 15 1
100-199 38 323
200-299 39 331
300-499 42 264
500-599 29 206
600-699 32 199
700-899 39 245
900-1599 46 207
1600+ 10 47

48 5th Ave, Lancaster, OH

82 5th Ave, Lancaster, OH

Single Family Residential
2 beds1 bathLot: 630 sqftBuilt in 1900
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House prices on 48-99 5Th Ave, Lancaster OH

8081828788929596979899House Number$0$1,500$3,000$4,500$6,000$7,500$9,000$11k$12k$14k$15k$17k$18k$20k$21kPrices

List of streets in 43130