Vireo Ln, Kilsyth WV address records

On 111-221 Vireo Ln, Kilsyth WV we have 13 property listings. The average home sale price on Vireo Ln has been $109k.
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111 Vireo Ln, Kilsyth, WV 25880 111 Vireo Ln, Mount Hope, WV 25880

Single Family Residential
3 beds2 bathsLot: 0.31 acresBuilt in 1995

118 Vireo Ln, Kilsyth, WV 25880 118 Vireo Ln, Mount Hope, WV 25880

Single Family Residential
3 beds2 bathsLot: 0.6 acresBuilt in 1995

134 Vireo Ln, Kilsyth, WV 25880 134 Vireo Ln, Mount Hope, WV 25880

Single Family Residential
3 beds3 bathsLot: 0.5 acresBuilt in 1996

180 Vireo Ln, Kilsyth, WV 25880 180 Vireo Ln, Mount Hope, WV 25880

Single Family Residential
3 beds3 bathsLot: 0.62 acresBuilt in 1998

181 Vireo Ln, Kilsyth, WV 25880 181 Vireo Ln, Mount Hope, WV 25880

Single Family Residential
3 beds1 bathLot: 2.49 acresBuilt in 1975

182 Vireo Ln, Kilsyth, WV 25880 182 Vireo Ln, Prosperity, WV 25880

201 Vireo Ln, Kilsyth, WV 25880 201 Vireo Ln, Mount Hope, WV 25880

Single Family Residential
3 beds2 bathsLot: 0.32 acresBuilt in 1996

204 Vireo Ln, Kilsyth, WV 25880 204 Vireo Ln, Mount Hope, WV 25880

Single Family Residential
3 beds2 bathsLot: 0.34 acresBuilt in 1996

208 Vireo Ln, Kilsyth, WV 25880 208 Vireo Ln, Mount Hope, WV 25880

Single Family Residential
3 beds2 bathsLot: 0.3 acresBuilt in 1997

211 Vireo Ln, Kilsyth, WV 25880 211 Vireo Ln, Mount Hope, WV 25880

Single Family Residential
3 beds2 bathsLot: 0.35 acresBuilt in 1997

221 Vireo Ln, Kilsyth, WV 25880 221 Vireo Ln, Mount Hope, WV 25880

Single Family Residential
3 beds2 bathsLot: 0.31 acresBuilt in 1997

House prices on 111-221 Vireo Ln, Kilsyth WV

111118134180181201204208211217220221House Number$0$10k$20k$30k$40k$50k$60k$70k$80k$90k$100k$110k$120k$130k$140k$150k$160kPrices

List of streets in 25880