Longbow Ln, Hartly DE address records

On 10-107 Longbow Ln, Hartly DE we have 21 property listings. The average home sale price on Longbow Ln has been $12k. We have 1 sale listing. Sale starting with $7,500.

10 Longbow Ln, Hartly, DE 19953

73 Longbow Ln, Hartly, DE 19953

74 Longbow Ln, Hartly, DE 19953

2 beds2 bathsLot: 1,024 sqft

79 Longbow Ln, Hartly, DE 19953

Mobile home
Lot: 2,128 sqftBuilt in 2000

80 Longbow Ln, Hartly, DE 19953

Mobile home
Lot: 1,064 sqftBuilt in 1993

81 Longbow Ln, Hartly, DE 19953

Mobile home
Lot: 1,680 sqftBuilt in 1987

82 Longbow Ln, Hartly, DE 19953

Mobile home
Lot: 980 sqftBuilt in 1989

83 Longbow Ln, Hartly, DE 19953

Mobile home
Lot: 2,016 sqftBuilt in 1987

84 Longbow Ln, Hartly, DE 19953

Mobile home
Lot: 1,008 sqftBuilt in 1989

85 Longbow Ln, Hartly, DE 19953

Mobile home
Lot: 1,216 sqftBuilt in 1996

86 Longbow Ln, Hartly, DE 19953

Mobile home
Lot: 980 sqftBuilt in 1988

87 Longbow Ln, Hartly, DE 19953

Mobile home
Lot: 1,064 sqftBuilt in 1997

88 Longbow Ln, Hartly, DE 19953

Mobile home
Lot: 1,064 sqftBuilt in 1987

89 Longbow Ln, Hartly, DE 19953

Mobile home
Lot: 980 sqftBuilt in 1989

90 Longbow Ln, Hartly, DE 19953

Mobile home
Lot: 1,064 sqftBuilt in 1988

91 Longbow Ln, Hartly, DE 19953

Mobile home
3 beds2 bathsLot: 1,008 sqftBuilt in 1993

92 Longbow Ln, Hartly, DE 19953

Mobile home
Lot: 980 sqftBuilt in 1988

104 Longbow Ln, Hartly, DE 19953

105 Longbow Ln, Hartly, DE 19953

Mobile home
Lot: 1,344 sqftBuilt in 1997

106 Longbow Ln, Hartly, DE 19953

Sold Dec 2023 $13,000
106 Longbow Ln, Hartly, DE 19953

107 Longbow Ln, Hartly, DE 19953

For Sale $75,000
Mobile home
Lot: 1,056 sqftBuilt in 1999
107 Longbow Ln, Hartly, DE 19953

House prices on 10-107 Longbow Ln, Hartly DE

79818385878991105House Number$0$1,500$3,000$4,500$6,000$7,500$9,000$11k$12k$14k$15k$17k$18k$20k$21k$23k$24kPrices

List of streets in 19953