270Th Trl, Fredericksburg IA address records

On 4-3176 270Th Trl, Fredericksburg IA we have 49 property listings. The average home sale price on 270Th Trl has been $180k.
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270Th Trl, Fredericksburg IA street index

Property Number Properties Residents
1-3199 49 139
3200+ 7 15

4 270th Trl, Fredericksburg, IA

2259 270th Trl, Fredericksburg, IA

2376 270th Trl, Fredericksburg, IA 2376 270th Trl, Fredericksbrg, IA

2428 270th Trl, Fredericksburg, IA 2428 270th Trl, Fredericksbrg, IA

2445 270th Trl, Fredericksburg, IA 2445 270th Trl, Fredericksbrg, IA

2470 270th Trl, Fredericksburg, IA

2479 270th Trl, Fredericksburg, IA 2479 270th Trl, Fredericksbrg, IA

2526 270th Trl, Fredericksburg, IA 2526 270th Trl, Fredericksbrg, IA

2539 270th Trl, Fredericksburg, IA

2555 270th Trl, Fredericksburg, IA 2555 270th Trl, Fredericksbrg, IA

2580 270th Trl, Fredericksburg, IA 2580 270th Trl, Fredericksbrg, IA

2629 270th Trl, Fredericksburg, IA 2629 270th Trl, Fredericksbrg, IA

2650 270th Trl, Fredericksburg, IA 2650 270th Trl, Fredericksbrg, IA

2651 270th Trl, Fredericksburg, IA

2661 270th Trl, Fredericksburg, IA 2661 270th Trl, Fredericksbrg, IA

2664 270th Trl, Fredericksburg, IA 2664 270th Trl, Fredericksbrg, IA

Single Family Residential

2672 270th Trl, Fredericksburg, IA 2672 270th Trl, Fredericksbrg, IA

Single Family

2675 270th Trl, Fredericksburg, IA 2675 270th Trl, Fredericksbrg, IA

2676 270th Trl, Fredericksburg, IA

Single Family Residential

2680 270th Trl, Fredericksburg, IA 2680 270th Trl, Fredericksbrg, IA

2684 270th Trl, Fredericksburg, IA 2684 270th Trl, Fredericksbrg, IA

Single Family Residential

2708 270th Trl, Fredericksburg, IA

2719 270th Trl, Fredericksburg, IA 2719 270th Trl, Fredericksbrg, IA

2721 270th Trl, Fredericksburg, IA

2726 270th Trl, Fredericksburg, IA 2726 270th Trl, Fredericksbrg, IA

2728 270th Trl, Fredericksburg, IA

2733 270th Trl, Fredericksburg, IA 2733 270th Trl, Fredericksbrg, IA

2736 270th Trl, Fredericksburg, IA 2736 270th Trl, Fredericksbrg, IA

2738 270th Trl, Fredericksburg, IA

2863 270th Trl, Fredericksburg, IA

2866 270th Trl, Fredericksburg, IA

2911 270th Trl, Fredericksburg, IA 2911 270th Trl, Fredericksbrg, IA

2912 270th Trl, Fredericksburg, IA 2912 270th Trl, Fredericksbrg, IA

2914 270th Trl, Fredericksburg, IA 2914 270th Trl, Fredericksbrg, IA

2918 270th Trl, Fredericksburg, IA

2920 270th Trl, Fredericksburg, IA 2920 270th Trl, Fredericksbrg, IA

2930 270th Trl, Fredericksburg, IA 2930 270th Trl, Fredericksbrg, IA

2948 270th Trl, Fredericksburg, IA 2948 270th Trl, Fredericksbrg, IA

2950 270th Trl, Fredericksburg, IA

2959 270th Trl, Fredericksburg, IA 2959 270th Trl, Fredericksbrg, IA

2985 270th Trl, Fredericksburg, IA 2985 270th Trl, Fredericksbrg, IA

2986 270th Trl, Fredericksburg, IA 2986 270th Trl, Fredericksbrg, IA

3025 270th Trl, Fredericksburg, IA 3025 270th Trl, Fredericksbrg, IA

3050 270th Trl, Fredericksburg, IA 3050 270th Trl, Fredericksbrg, IA

3085 270th Trl, Fredericksburg, IA

3115 270th Trl, Fredericksburg, IA

3126 270th Trl, Fredericksburg, IA

3173 270th Trl, Fredericksburg, IA

3176 270th Trl, Fredericksburg, IA

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