220Th Ave, Forest City IA address records

On 34040-37135 220Th Ave, Forest City IA we have 11 property listings. The average home sale price on 220Th Ave has been $112k.
All Properties

34040 220th Ave, Forest City, IA

Lot: 1.06 acres

34255 220th Ave, Forest City, IA

Single Family Residential
Lot: 1.78 acres

34338 220th Ave, Forest City, IA

Lot: 6.35 acres

35205 220th Ave, Forest City, IA

Lot: 1.73 acres

35387 220th Ave, Forest City, IA

Lot: 2.43 acres

35498 220th Ave, Forest City, IA

Single Family Residential
3 beds2 baths1,728 sqftBuilt in 1991

35517 220th Ave, Forest City, IA

Single Family Residential
Lot: 3.52 acres

36830 220th Ave, Forest City, IA

Single Family

37135 220th Ave, Forest City, IA

Single Family Residential
Lot: 15.91 acres

House prices on 34040-37135 220Th Ave, Forest+City IA

34040342553433835205353873549735498355173683037135House Number$0$15k$30k$45k$60k$75k$90k$105k$120k$135k$150k$165k$180k$195k$210k$225k$240kPrices

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