22Nd St, Florence OR address records

On 1608-2372 22Nd St, Florence OR we have 31 property listings. The average home sale price on 22Nd St has been $165k.
All Properties

1608 22nd St, Florence, OR 97439

Single Family Residential
10 beds5 bathsLot: 7,800 sqftBuilt in 1977

1610 22nd St, Florence, OR 97439

1611 22nd St, Florence, OR 97439

Mobile home
1 bathLot: 6,840 sqftBuilt in 1988

1621 22nd St, Florence, OR 97439

Multi-Family Home

1623 22nd St, Florence, OR 97439

Multi-Family Home

1638 22nd St, Florence, OR 97439

Single Family Residential
3 beds2 bathsLot: 7,800 sqftBuilt in 1978

1675 22nd St, Florence, OR 97439

High Rise

1680 22nd St, Florence, OR 97439

Multi-Family Home
4 beds2 bathsLot: 2,080 sqftBuilt in 1994

1684 22nd St, Florence, OR 97439

1690 22nd St, Florence, OR 97439

Single Family Residential
3 beds2 bathsLot: 8,276 sqftBuilt in 1976

1705 22nd St, Florence, OR 97439

1739 22nd St, Florence, OR 97439

1859 22nd St, Florence, OR

1911 22nd St, Florence, OR 97439

Single Family Residential
3 beds2 bathsLot: 8,400 sqftBuilt in 1977

1913 22nd St, Florence, OR 97439

Multi-Family Home
4 beds2 bathsLot: 1,600 sqftBuilt in 1994

1915 22nd St, Florence, OR 97439

1991 22nd St, Florence, OR 97439


2232 22nd St, Florence, OR

2236 22nd St, Florence, OR

2252 22nd St, Florence, OR

2256 22nd St, Florence, OR

2257 22nd St, Florence, OR

2261 22nd St, Florence, OR

2286 22nd St, Florence, OR

2287 22nd St, Florence, OR

2352 22nd St, Florence, OR

2356 22nd St, Florence, OR

2357 22nd St, Florence, OR

2361 22nd St, Florence, OR

2372 22nd St, Florence, OR

House prices on 1608-2372 22Nd St, Florence OR

16081611162116231638167516801690191119131991House Number$0$15k$30k$45k$60k$75k$90k$105k$120k$135k$150k$165k$180k$195k$210k$225k$240k$255k$270kPrices

List of streets in 97439