25Th St, Detroit MI address records

On 7-1289 25Th St, Detroit MI we have 52 property listings. The average home sale price on 25Th St has been $18k. We have 1 sale listing. Sale starting with $600.
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25Th St, Detroit MI street index

Property Number Properties Residents
1-1299 49 195
1300-1899 47 125
1900-1999 32 157
2000-2699 39 145
2700-3299 48 131
3300-3699 41 98
3700-4499 46 80
4500-5099 49 90
5100-5399 48 143
5400+ 25 85

7 25th St, Detroit, MI

10 25th St, Detroit, MI

705 25th St, Detroit, MI 48216

734 25th St, Detroit, MI 48216

735 25th St, Detroit, MI 48216

741 25th St, Detroit, MI 48216

748 25th St, Detroit, MI 48216

749 25th St, Detroit, MI 48216

756 25th St, Detroit, MI 48216

760 25th St, Detroit, MI 48216

761 25th St, Detroit, MI

762 25th St, Detroit, MI 48216

766 25th St, Detroit, MI 48216

770 25th St, Detroit, MI 48216

772 25th St, Detroit, MI 48216

776 25th St, Detroit, MI 48216

1027 25th St, Detroit, MI 48216

Lot: 5,401 sqft

1029 25th St, Detroit, MI 48216

1031 25th St, Detroit, MI

1044 25th St, Detroit, MI 48216

Lot: 0.6 acres

1131 25th St, Detroit, MI 48216


1135 25th St, Detroit, MI 48216

1149 25th St, Detroit, MI 48216

Lot: 9,235 sqft

1153 25th St, Detroit, MI 48216

1201 25th St, Detroit, MI 48216

1202 25th St, Detroit, MI 48216

1212 25th St, Detroit, MI 48216

1214 25th St, Detroit, MI 48216

1221 25th St, Detroit, MI 48216

High Rise

1222 25th St, Detroit, MI 48216

Single Family Residential
2 bathsLot: 6,708 sqftBuilt in 1908

1228 25th St, Detroit, MI 48216

Sold Sep 2023 $380,000
2 beds2 bathsLot: 2,669 sqft

1232 25th St, Detroit, MI 48216

1233 25th St, Detroit, MI 48216

Sold Dec 2015 $25,000
4 bathsLot: 4,400 sqftBuilt in 1910

1238 25th St, Detroit, MI 48216

1241 25th St, Detroit, MI 48216

Single Family Residential
1 bathLot: 4,400 sqftBuilt in 1908

1244 25th St, Detroit, MI 48216

For Sale $225,000
Single Family Residential
4 beds2 bathsLot: 6,708 sqftBuilt in 1909
1244 25th St, Detroit, MI 48216

1247 25th St, Detroit, MI 48216

Sold Feb 2024 $290,000
High Rise
4 beds6 bathsLot: 4,400 sqftBuilt in 1902
1247 25th St, Detroit, MI 48216

1248 25th St, Detroit, MI 48216

1256 25th St, Detroit, MI 48216

High Rise

1257 25th St, Detroit, MI 48216

Single Family Residential
1 bathLot: 4,400 sqftBuilt in 1908

1262 25th St, Detroit, MI 48216

1265 25th St, Detroit, MI 48216

1268 25th St, Detroit, MI 48216

Single Family Residential
4 bathsLot: 5,881 sqftBuilt in 1909

1271 25th St, Detroit, MI 48216

1272 25th St, Detroit, MI 48216

1284 25th St, Detroit, MI 48216

Single Family Residential
1 bathLot: 5,881 sqftBuilt in 1908
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House prices on 7-1289 25Th St, Detroit MI

10211027105312271241124712681284House Number$0$10k$20k$30k$40k$50k$60k$70k$80k$90kPrices

List of streets in 48216