66Th Ave, Cedar Rapids IA address records

On 8-851 66Th Ave, Cedar Rapids IA we have 48 property listings. The average home sale price on 66Th Ave has been $142k.
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66Th Ave, Cedar Rapids IA street index

Property Number Properties Residents
1-899 48 1189
900+ 6 4

8 66th Ave, Cedar Rapids, IA 52404

10 66th Ave, Cedar Rapids, IA

20 66th Ave, Cedar Rapids, IA 52404


22 66th Ave, Cedar Rapids, IA 52404

High Rise

23 66th Ave, Cedar Rapids, IA

30 66th Ave, Cedar Rapids, IA 52404

High Rise

32 66th Ave, Cedar Rapids, IA 52404

High Rise

40 66th Ave, Cedar Rapids, IA 52404

High Rise

42 66th Ave, Cedar Rapids, IA 52404

High Rise

50 66th Ave, Cedar Rapids, IA 52404

High Rise

52 66th Ave, Cedar Rapids, IA 52404

High Rise

100 66th Ave, Cedar Rapids, IA 52404

High Rise

102 66th Ave, Cedar Rapids, IA 52404

High Rise

200 66th Ave, Cedar Rapids, IA 52404

High Rise

202 66th Ave, Cedar Rapids, IA 52404

High Rise

204 66th Ave, Cedar Rapids, IA 52404

206 66th Ave, Cedar Rapids, IA 52404

220 66th Ave, Cedar Rapids, IA 52404


230 66th Ave, Cedar Rapids, IA 52404


240 66th Ave, Cedar Rapids, IA 52404


250 66th Ave, Cedar Rapids, IA 52404


274 66th Ave, Cedar Rapids, IA 52404


284 66th Ave, Cedar Rapids, IA 52404


286 66th Ave, Cedar Rapids, IA 52404


296 66th Ave, Cedar Rapids, IA 52404


304 66th Ave, Cedar Rapids, IA 52404

3 beds

310 66th Ave, Cedar Rapids, IA 52404

2 beds1 bath

312 66th Ave, Cedar Rapids, IA 52404

314 66th Ave, Cedar Rapids, IA 52404


318 66th Ave, Cedar Rapids, IA 52404


322 66th Ave, Cedar Rapids, IA 52404


326 66th Ave, Cedar Rapids, IA 52404


330 66th Ave, Cedar Rapids, IA 52404


340 66th Ave, Cedar Rapids, IA 52404

345 66th Ave, Cedar Rapids, IA 52404

Single Family Residential

402 66th Ave, Cedar Rapids, IA

440 66th Ave, Cedar Rapids, IA

500 66th Ave, Cedar Rapids, IA 52404

620 66th Ave, Cedar Rapids, IA 52404

630 66th Ave, Cedar Rapids, IA 52404

642 66th Ave, Cedar Rapids, IA 52404

707 66th Ave, Cedar Rapids, IA 52404

714 66th Ave, Cedar Rapids, IA 52404

740 66th Ave, Cedar Rapids, IA 52404

800 66th Ave, Cedar Rapids, IA 52404 800 66th Ave, Shueyville, IA 52404

Midwest Metal

805 66th Ave, Cedar Rapids, IA 52404

850 66th Ave, Cedar Rapids, IA 52404

851 66th Ave, Cedar Rapids, IA 52404

Coca Cola
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House prices on 8-851 66Th Ave, Cedar+Rapids IA

20230250284296314322330House Number$0$100k$200k$300k$400k$500k$600k$700k$800k$900k$1.0M$1.1M$1.2M$1.3M$1.4M$1.5MPrices

List of streets in 52404