Cape Coral, Florida Property Information

Rehold Reverse Address Lookup and City Search Directory for Cape Coral, FL

Find the name and contact information for anyone by their mailing address. The Rehold reverse address lookup allows you to search for any address you know or sort through an address directory to find the right one. Search Cape Coral, FL to find out who owns and resides near you or in any neighborhood that you visit.

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The 100 most populated streets in Cape Coral, FL

Street Properties Residents
1ST AVE 680 2,991
1ST PL 677 3,159
1ST ST 1,231 5,669
1ST TER 384 1,631
2ND AVE 640 2,735
2ND PL 539 2,254
2ND ST 428 1,885
2ND TER 1,066 5,013
3RD AVE 613 2,697
3RD ST 395 1,627
3RD TER 999 4,434
4TH AVE 414 1,628
4TH PL 405 2,160
4TH ST 469 1,830
4TH TER 943 4,523
5TH AVE 566 2,568
5TH PL 652 3,389
5TH ST 356 1,661
5TH TER 1,200 5,886
6TH AVE 718 3,325
6TH PL 512 2,229
6TH ST 405 1,773
6TH TER 1,093 5,578
7TH AVE 501 2,157
7TH PL 583 2,562
7TH TER 940 3,891
8TH AVE 356 1,680
8TH PL 905 4,806
8TH ST 348 2,464
8TH TER 1,200 7,502
9TH AVE 549 2,285
9TH PL 455 2,237
9TH TER 970 4,441
10TH AVE 689 3,345
10TH PL 492 2,567
10TH TER 1,022 5,197
11TH AVE 556 2,816
11TH PL 516 2,803
11TH TER 1,000 5,206
12TH TER 794 4,590
13TH AVE 538 2,586
13TH ST 426 1,929
13TH TER 831 4,704
14TH TER 788 3,990
15TH AVE 489 1,965
15TH PL 542 3,027
15TH ST 421 1,994
15TH TER 1,031 5,538
16TH PL 638 3,830
16TH TER 857 4,579
17TH AVE 559 2,411
17TH PL 536 2,692
17TH TER 940 4,740
18TH AVE 496 2,131
18TH PL 410 1,790
18TH TER 905 4,327
19TH AVE 494 2,355
19TH PL 545 2,718
19TH TER 1,038 5,745
20TH AVE 510 2,034
20TH PL 572 3,698
20TH ST 389 1,777
20TH TER 1,056 4,984
21ST AVE 393 1,645
21ST PL 402 1,563
21ST ST 900 4,938
22ND AVE 355 1,314
22ND PL 359 1,429
22ND TER 785 3,522
23RD AVE 393 1,467
23RD TER 742 3,830
24TH AVE 563 3,085
24TH TER 688 2,908
25TH TER 785 3,567
26TH TER 725 3,188
27TH ST 378 1,725
27TH TER 700 3,399
28TH TER 720 3,396
29TH TER 615 2,877
30TH TER 409 1,993
31ST ST 492 2,616
32ND TER 493 2,493
33RD TER 484 2,558
34TH TER 390 2,030
35TH TER 394 2,146
36TH TER 453 2,147
37TH TER 418 2,139
38TH TER 376 1,765
39TH TER 431 2,176
40TH TER 386 2,325
43RD TER 477 2,829
46TH TER 394 3,031
47TH TER 484 4,290
DEL PRADO BLVD 636 4,976
EL DORADO PKWY 372 2,074
PINE ISLAND RD 435 2,296
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