Burnsville, Minnesota Property Information

Rehold Reverse Address Lookup and City Search Directory for Burnsville, MN

Find the name and contact information for anyone by their mailing address. The Rehold reverse address lookup allows you to search for any address you know or sort through an address directory to find the right one. Search Burnsville, MN to find out who owns and resides near you or in any neighborhood that you visit.

Street starts with:
1-9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P R S T U V W X Y Z

67 streets starting with 1..9 found

Street Properties Residents
1ST AVE 89 497
2ND AVE 38 169
4TH AVE 21 106
5TH AVE 28 105
10TH AVE 2 15
11TH AVE 42 200
12TH AVE 45 112
14TH AVE 9 58
16TH AVE 36 204
17TH AVE 43 876
18TH AVE 23 161
19TH AVE 21 96
22ND AVE 14 93
23RD AVE 49 297
24TH AVE 54 284
26TH AVE 9 47
27TH AVE 45 189
27TH PL 44 135
31ST AVE 5 25
33RD AVE 7 40
112TH ST 9 44
114TH ST 25 152
115TH ST 69 403
116TH ST 19 91
117TH ST 128 1,157
120TH ST 5 8
121ST ST 52 1,629
122ND ST 91 1,026
123RD ST 68 397
125TH ST 126 633
126TH ST 40 220
128TH ST 3 31
129TH ST 17 101
130TH ST 43 189
130TH STREET CT 11 62
131 1/2 ST 4 18
131ST ST 49 270
132ND CIR 4 26
132ND ST 97 532
134TH ST 62 400
135TH CIR 5 23
135TH ST 69 406
136TH ST 58 375
137 1/2 ST 5 32
137TH PL 10 77
137TH ST 21 83
138TH ST 52 340
139TH ST 54 360
140TH ST 183 1,136
141ST ST 15 110
143RD CIR 2 8
143RD CT 22 121
143RD LN 8 40
143RD ST 181 5,796
144TH ST 14 73
145TH ST 163 956
146TH ST 9 64
149TH ST 7 44
150TH ST 13 119
151ST ST 17 120
152ND ST 43 229
153RD ST 12 60
155TH ST 47 252
156TH ST 32 216
157TH ST 81 345
157TH STREET CT 13 61
158TH ST 79 432
Street starts with:
1-9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P R S T U V W X Y Z