Buffalo Center, Iowa Property Information

Rehold Reverse Address Lookup and City Search Directory for Buffalo Center, IA

Find the name and contact information for anyone by their mailing address. The Rehold reverse address lookup allows you to search for any address you know or sort through an address directory to find the right one. Search Buffalo Center, IA to find out who owns and resides near you or in any neighborhood that you visit.

Streets in Buffalo Center, IA

Street Properties Residents
1ST AVE 27 54
1ST ST 86 389
2ND AVE 44 152
2ND ST 91 512
3RD AVE 31 108
3RD ST 77 380
4TH AVE 17 100
4TH ST 64 302
5TH AVE 17 52
6TH AVE 16 83
7TH AVE 8 31
10TH AVE 21 76
20TH AVE 40 162
30TH AVE 21 87
40TH AVE 8 27
50TH AVE 10 28
60TH AVE 4 16
70TH AVE 2 11
160TH AVE    
170TH AVE 2 4
200TH AVE    
210TH AVE 1 1
220TH AVE 8 10
230TH AVE 13 41
240TH AVE 25 109
250TH AVE 5 18
360TH ST 7 19
370TH ST 8 16
380TH ST 11 41
390TH ST 13 46
400TH ST 10 53
410TH ST 14 51
420TH ST 4 15
440TH ST 13 63
450TH ST 8 20
460TH ST 5 28
470TH ST 10 47
480TH ST 8 31
490TH ST 10 26
495TH ST 1 1
500TH ST 22 59
510TH ST 2 4
HIGHWAY 9 25 68
HIGHWAY 169 3 3
MAIN ST 103 304
MILL RD 24 117