16Th St, Birmingham AL address records

On 5100-19050 16Th St, Birmingham AL we have 29 property listings.
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16Th St, Birmingham AL street index

Property Number Properties Residents
1-99 35 83
100-199 31 271
200-299 32 145
300-399 41 284
400-499 26 156
500-599 35 248
600-699 35 215
700-799 24 73
800-899 36 122
900-1099 45 347
1100-1199 60 592
1200-1299 46 298
1300-1399 39 408
1400-1499 37 259
1500-1699 48 496
1700-1799 22 42
1800-1899 29 100
1900-2099 35 265
2100-2299 36 279
2300-2499 47 134
2500-2799 43 124
2800-4999 40 114
5000-5099 32 113
5100+ 29 73

5100 16th St, Birmingham, AL

5101 16th St, Birmingham, AL

5102 16th St, Birmingham, AL

5104 16th St, Birmingham, AL

5105 16th St, Birmingham, AL

5106 16th St, Birmingham, AL

5107 16th St, Birmingham, AL

5108 16th St, Birmingham, AL

5109 16th St, Birmingham, AL

5110 16th St, Birmingham, AL

5111 16th St, Birmingham, AL

5112 16th St, Birmingham, AL

5114 16th St, Birmingham, AL

5114B 16th St, Birmingham, AL

5115 16th St, Birmingham, AL

5116 16th St, Birmingham, AL

5117 16th St, Birmingham, AL

5119 16th St, Birmingham, AL

5121 16th St, Birmingham, AL

5122 16th St, Birmingham, AL

5123 16th St, Birmingham, AL

5124 16th St, Birmingham, AL

5126 16th St, Birmingham, AL

5127 16th St, Birmingham, AL

5199 16th St, Birmingham, AL

5809 16th St, Birmingham, AL

8717 16th St, Birmingham, AL

13321 16th St, Birmingham, AL

19050 16th St, Birmingham, AL

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List of streets in 35204