Jack Springs Rd, Atmore AL address records

On 10825-61835 Jack Springs Rd, Atmore AL we have 32 property listings. The average home sale price on Jack Springs Rd has been $106k. We have 5 sales listing. Sale starting with $53k.
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Jack Springs Rd, Atmore AL street index

Property Number Properties Residents
1-499 44 265
500-1799 48 133
1800-3099 45 189
3100-6399 49 169
6400-10799 48 329
10800+ 31 91

10825 Jack Springs Rd, Atmore, AL 36502 10825 Jack Springs Rd, McCullough, AL 36502

Single Family Residential
Lot: 3.91 acresBuilt in 1999

10895 Jack Springs Rd, Atmore, AL 36502

10911 Jack Springs Rd, Atmore, AL 36502 10911 Jack Springs Rd, Mc Cullough, AL 36502

Single Family Residential
4 beds2 bathsLot: 6.84 acresBuilt in 1998

10965 Jack Springs Rd, Atmore, AL 36502

11838 Jack Springs Rd, Atmore, AL 36502 11838 Jack Springs Rd, Mc Cullough, AL 36502

Single Family Residential
Lot: 1.47 acresBuilt in 1976

58330 Jack Springs Rd, Atmore, AL 58330 Jack Springs Rd, McCullough, AL

58440 Jack Springs Rd, Atmore, AL

58453 Jack Springs Rd, Atmore, AL

58470 Jack Springs Rd, Atmore, AL 58470 Jack Springs Rd, McCullough, AL

59198 Jack Springs Rd, Atmore, AL 36502

59303 Jack Springs Rd, Atmore, AL 36502

Single Family Residential
Lot: 0.85 acresBuilt in 1955

59395 Jack Springs Rd, Atmore, AL 36502 59395 Jack Springs Rd, Mc Cullough, AL 36502

Single Family Residential
3 beds1 bathLot: 0.7 acresBuilt in 1988

59395A Jack Springs Rd, Atmore, AL 59395A Jack Springs Rd, McCullough, AL

59421 Jack Springs Rd, Atmore, AL 36502 59421 Jack Springs Rd, Mc Cullough, AL 36502

Single Family
1 bath1,400 sqftBuilt in 1970

59555 Jack Springs Rd, Atmore, AL 36502 59555 Jack Springs Rd, Mc Cullough, AL 36502

Single Family Residential
2 beds2,178 sqftBuilt in 1968

59555A Jack Springs Rd, Atmore, AL

59591 Jack Springs Rd, Atmore, AL 36502

59680 Jack Springs Rd, Atmore, AL 36502 59680 Jack Springs Rd, Mc Cullough, AL 36502

Single Family Residential
3 bedsLot: 0.98 acresBuilt in 1955

59960 Jack Springs Rd, Atmore, AL 36502

Single Family Residential
2 bedsLot: 19.54 acresBuilt in 1950

60205 Jack Springs Rd, Atmore, AL 36502 60205 Jack Springs Rd, Mc Cullough, AL 36502

Lot: 9.2 acres

60433 Jack Springs Rd, Atmore, AL 36502

Single Family Residential
4 beds1 bathLot: 40.06 acresBuilt in 1897

60600 Jack Springs Rd, Atmore, AL 36502

Single Family Residential
3 beds1 bathLot: 2.05 acresBuilt in 1990

60600A Jack Springs Rd, Atmore, AL 60600A Jack Springs Rd, McCullough, AL

61011 Jack Springs Rd, Atmore, AL 36502

61400 Jack Springs Rd, Atmore, AL 36502

Single Family Residential
2 bedsLot: 39.08 acresBuilt in 2011

61653 Jack Springs Rd, Atmore, AL 36502 61653 Jack Springs Rd, Mc Cullough, AL 36502

Single Family Residential
2 bedsLot: 1.95 acresBuilt in 1948

61702 Jack Springs Rd, Atmore, AL 36502

Single Family Residential
3 bedsLot: 0.98 acresBuilt in 1960

61702A Jack Springs Rd, Atmore, AL

61777 Jack Springs Rd, Atmore, AL 36502

Single Family Residential
3 beds1 bathLot: 1.76 acresBuilt in 1972

61800 Jack Springs Rd, Atmore, AL 36502

61835 Jack Springs Rd, Atmore, AL 36502

Single Family Residential
4 beds1 bathLot: 4.4 acresBuilt in 1952
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House prices on 10825-61835 Jack Springs Rd, Atmore AL

1082511838593955968060205606006165361777House Number$0$15k$30k$45k$60k$75k$90k$105k$120k$135k$150k$165k$180k$195k$210k$225k$240kPrices

List of streets in 36502