Glenwood Pl, Atlanta GA address records

On 24-294 Glenwood Pl, Atlanta GA we have 29 property listings.
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Glenwood Pl, Atlanta GA street index

Property Number Properties Residents
1-299 29 52
300-399 35 96
400-499 35 177
500-599 29 137
600-899 49 247
900-1099 44 277
1100-1399 34 213
1400-1599 38 92
1600-2099 41 73
2100-2399 34 90
2400-2799 41 95
2800-4099 43 77
4100+ 19 56

24 Glenwood Pl, Atlanta, GA

72 Glenwood Pl, Atlanta, GA

100 Glenwood Pl, Atlanta, GA

101 Glenwood Pl, Atlanta, GA

113 Glenwood Pl, Atlanta, GA

116 Glenwood Pl, Atlanta, GA

118 Glenwood Pl, Atlanta, GA

121 Glenwood Pl, Atlanta, GA

125 Glenwood Pl, Atlanta, GA

137 Glenwood Pl, Atlanta, GA

145 Glenwood Pl, Atlanta, GA

167 Glenwood Pl, Atlanta, GA

201 Glenwood Pl, Atlanta, GA

205 Glenwood Pl, Atlanta, GA

209 Glenwood Pl, Atlanta, GA

225 Glenwood Pl, Atlanta, GA

231 Glenwood Pl, Atlanta, GA

235 Glenwood Pl, Atlanta, GA

239 Glenwood Pl, Atlanta, GA

245 Glenwood Pl, Atlanta, GA

251 Glenwood Pl, Atlanta, GA

252 Glenwood Pl, Atlanta, GA

261 Glenwood Pl, Atlanta, GA

277 Glenwood Pl, Atlanta, GA

280 Glenwood Pl, Atlanta, GA

281 Glenwood Pl, Atlanta, GA

284 Glenwood Pl, Atlanta, GA

290 Glenwood Pl, Atlanta, GA

294 Glenwood Pl, Atlanta, GA

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List of streets in 30316