Territorial Rd, Alpine OR address records

On 4463-95450 Territorial Rd, Alpine OR we have 49 property listings. The average home sale price on Territorial Rd has been $238k. We have 1 sale listing. Sale starting with $2,300.
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Territorial Rd, Alpine OR street index

Property Number Properties Residents
4400-95599 48 190
95600+ 24 113

4463 Territorial Rd, Alpine, OR 4463 Territorial Rd, Monroe, OR

23782 Territorial Rd, Alpine, OR 97456 23782 Territorial Rd, Monroe, OR 97456

2 bathsLot: 3.66 acresBuilt in 1990

23786 Territorial Rd, Alpine, OR 97456 23786 Territorial Rd, Monroe, OR 97456

Mobile home
2 bathsLot: 1,917 sqftBuilt in 2005

23788 Territorial Rd, Alpine, OR 97456 23788 Territorial Rd, Monroe, OR 97456

23790 Territorial Rd, Alpine, OR 97456 23790 Territorial Rd, Monroe, OR 97456

2 beds1 bathLot: 2.87 acresBuilt in 1976

23791 Territorial Rd, Alpine, OR 97456 23791 Territorial Rd, Monroe, OR 97456

Mobile home
2 bathsLot: 4.89 acresBuilt in 1977

23793 Territorial Rd, Alpine, OR 97456 23793 Territorial Rd, Monroe, OR 97456

Mobile home
3 bathsLot: 16.4 acresBuilt in 2007

23795 Territorial Rd, Alpine, OR 97456 23795 Territorial Rd, Monroe, OR 97456

4 beds2 bathsLot: 66.93 acresBuilt in 1976

23887 Territorial Rd, Alpine, OR 97456 23887 Territorial Rd, Monroe, OR 97456

4 beds2 bathsLot: 6.84 acresBuilt in 2007

23900 Territorial Rd, Alpine, OR 97456 23900 Territorial Rd, Monroe, OR 97456

Single Family Residential
4 beds3 baths4,960 sqftBuilt in 2000

23922 Territorial Rd, Alpine, OR 97456 23922 Territorial Rd, Monroe, OR 97456

Lot: 67.84 acres

23924 Territorial Rd, Alpine, OR 97456 23924 Territorial Rd, Monroe, OR 97456

3 beds2 bathsLot: 41.57 acresBuilt in 1917

24039 Territorial Rd, Alpine, OR 97456 24039 Territorial Rd, Monroe, OR 97456

Mobile / Manufactured
2 baths1,782 sqftBuilt in 1992

24051 Territorial Rd, Alpine, OR 97456 24051 Territorial Rd, Monroe, OR 97456

2 beds1 bathLot: 33.22 acresBuilt in 1918

24134 Territorial Rd, Alpine, OR 97456 24134 Territorial Rd, Monroe, OR 97456

For Sale $2,950,000
Mobile / Manufactured
1 bath720 sqftBuilt in 1972

24215 Territorial Rd, Alpine, OR 97456 24215 Territorial Rd, Monroe, OR 97456

Sold Mar 2019 $645,000
3 beds1 bath1,600 sqftBuilt in 1940

24380 Territorial Rd, Alpine, OR 97456 24380 Territorial Rd, Monroe, OR 97456

3 beds1 bathLot: 1.47 acresBuilt in 1890

24397 Territorial Rd, Alpine, OR 97456 24397 Territorial Rd, Monroe, OR 97456

5 beds2 bathsLot: 2.91 acresBuilt in 1978

24459 Territorial Rd, Alpine, OR 97456 24459 Territorial Rd, Monroe, OR 97456

2 bathsLot: 0.98 acresBuilt in 2000

24463 Territorial Rd, Alpine, OR 97456 24463 Territorial Rd, Monroe, OR 97456

Single Family Residential
3 beds2 bathsLot: 3.66 acresBuilt in 1996

24472 Territorial Rd, Alpine, OR 97456 24472 Territorial Rd, Monroe, OR 97456

2 bathsLot: 4.38 acresBuilt in 2004

24474 Territorial Rd, Alpine, OR 97456 24474 Territorial Rd, Monroe, OR 97456

2 bathsLot: 4.42 acresBuilt in 1977

24494 Territorial Rd, Alpine, OR 97456 24494 Territorial Rd, Monroe, OR 97456

Mobile home
2 bathsLot: 1.95 acres

24509 Territorial Rd, Alpine, OR 97456 24509 Territorial Rd, Monroe, OR 97456

3 beds2 baths2,304 sqftBuilt in 1912

24512 Territorial Rd, Alpine, OR 97456 24512 Territorial Rd, Monroe, OR 97456

3 beds1 bathLot: 4.7 acresBuilt in 1970

24513 Territorial Rd, Alpine, OR 97456 24513 Territorial Rd, Monroe, OR 97456

3 beds3 baths2,832 sqftBuilt in 2007

24514 Territorial Rd, Alpine, OR 97456 24514 Territorial Rd, Monroe, OR 97456

3 beds2 bathsLot: 1.92 acresBuilt in 2008

24521 Territorial Rd, Alpine, OR 97456 24521 Territorial Rd, Monroe, OR 97456

1 bathLot: 7.53 acresBuilt in 1987

24525 Territorial Rd, Alpine, OR 97456 24525 Territorial Rd, Monroe, OR 97456

Sold Dec 2018 $592,500
3 beds2 bathsLot: 1.95 acresBuilt in 2008

24530 Territorial Rd, Alpine, OR 97456 24530 Territorial Rd, Monroe, OR 97456

Mobile home
2 bathsLot: 0.9 acresBuilt in 1995

24540 Territorial Rd, Alpine, OR 97456 24540 Territorial Rd, Monroe, OR 97456

2 beds1 bathLot: 0.9 acresBuilt in 1914

24576 Territorial Rd, Alpine, OR 97456 24576 Territorial Rd, Monroe, OR 97456

Single Family Residential
4 beds2 bathsLot: 7.93 acresBuilt in 1930

24600 Territorial Rd, Alpine, OR 97456 24600 Territorial Rd, Monroe, OR 97456

Mobile / Manufactured
1 bath1,755 sqftBuilt in 1998

24620 Territorial Rd, Alpine, OR 97456 24620 Territorial Rd, Monroe, OR 97456

Mobile / Manufactured
4 beds2 baths1,512 sqftBuilt in 1993

24640 Territorial Rd, Alpine, OR 97456 24640 Territorial Rd, Monroe, OR 97456

Single Family
5 beds2 baths2,130 sqftBuilt in 1980

24644 Territorial Rd, Alpine, OR 97456 24644 Territorial Rd, Monroe, OR 97456

Mobile / Manufactured
2 beds2 baths1,080 sqftBuilt in 1989

24650 Territorial Rd, Alpine, OR 97456 24650 Territorial Rd, Monroe, OR 97456

Single Family
4 beds2.5 baths2,558 sqftBuilt in 1975

24684 Territorial Rd, Alpine, OR 97456 24684 Territorial Rd, Monroe, OR 97456

Single Family
1,956 sqftBuilt in 1930

24695 Territorial Rd, Alpine, OR 97456 24695 Territorial Rd, Monroe, OR 97456

Single Family
2 beds1 bath1,731 sqftBuilt in 1900

24703 Territorial Rd, Alpine, OR 97456 24703 Territorial Rd, Monroe, OR 97456

2 beds1 bathLot: 0.26 acresBuilt in 1920

24707 Territorial Rd, Alpine, OR 97456 24707 Territorial Rd, Monroe, OR 97456

2 beds1 bathLot: 0.34 acresBuilt in 1910

24710 Territorial Rd, Alpine, OR 97456 24710 Territorial Rd, Monroe, OR 97456

24712 Territorial Rd, Alpine, OR 97456 24712 Territorial Rd, Monroe, OR 97456

95450 Territorial Rd, Alpine, OR 95450 Territorial Rd, Monroe, OR

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House prices on 4463-95450 Territorial Rd, Alpine OR

2378223790237932386023900239242405124215243802439924463244742450924513245212453024576246202468424707House Number$0$100k$200k$300k$400k$500k$600k$700k$800k$900kPrices

List of streets in 97456